ArchiveSW - Display & Data Archive Storage

It’s the index page. The first page you see when the web server is loaded. The Home page.

ah ok, I saw the new log menu item … was thinking it was related to that section.

This is more and more becoming a control center page for the setups. If I dream on

each hub with its depending air/sky/breathe

this way we can see what is linked to each hub for those having several hubs, though not sure that info is easily extractable from the data streams.

Don’t forget to give me the green light to test on Ubuntu 18 LTS :sunglasses:

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Does anyone want to try the new install and new application?

I’ll be online to help and if you have an instant messaging application we can communicate if you have any issues.

@eric, @dan.gealt

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I find that I am making a lot of changes to the web pages as I add for data.

I am thinking of adding a feature to automatically update the web pages from the installation server. All this will do is run a script on your RPi that will fetch any view pages that are changed. This will only act on the .ejs files that are only used for the web application.

I will add a configuration command to enable this option.

I’d like your comments an suggestions.


some kinda auto update feature ?

Then I’d propose you do like some other scripts (librenms for ex) a cron runs once a day a local script checking database (and optimizes it) and files are compares to the repo. Changed files are updated and eventual errors are shows in a little alert window locally so the owner can do something to correct them.

But this feature can be disables via a simple setting in the config file. Imagine someone with an intermittent net connection, how will your script do ??? Except fail with or without nasty side effects :wink:

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If the script cannot establish an Internet connection to the server, it will just exit gracefully. Either way, any action will be written to the server.log file that is located in wfarchive/log folder.

I will handle this as I want all other third-party applications to. I want control and I want to know if other applications are communicating outside of my network.

Anytime WFArchive communicates outside the local network, I will inform the user and ask for permission.


If this is soon, then I’ll wait for this change before installing since I will hardly need to update from there on (lol, me lazy)

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It’s coming today. I’m working on it now then I will run several tests to ensure it works

There will still be updates for you to preform, for the near future, but now you will be I formed of them. I do it this way so I don’t crash the archive storage

I hope that in the future updates may be applied to the main applications.


Version 1.6.12 is released.

Alerts and events have been rewritten.
Auto updating of the scripts has been added.
There is a script updatefiles.js that pulls the updates from the server.
At this time, you will have to manually restart the four applications.

Script archive.js does not auto update at this time. This is because I still have a lot of testing and database checking to do.

The next step is to write an application to check the database and ensure it is up-to-date before archive.js is updated.

You are free to run the install on top of your current installation IF you are up-to-date on the database changes.

If you would like to help by running a script to ready the schema in your current database, please let me know.


will do tonight when I come from work, about 13 hours from now. And that makes me think, it should be nice to see the version number somewhere in the ‘about’ section ??? We can only guess what version we have :slight_smile:

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Good idea. I’ll add that, somewhere.

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Am home and not yet dinner :wink:

What would you like me to run ? Updatefile.js ? And how do you run that in a terminal btw ?

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Yes. Run updatefiles.js two times the check files.log.

You should see an indication of new files.

Also manually get archive.js and then restart pm2.



This is for you!

And I added archive.js to the updates. It is still up to each user to restart the applications. I’m working on a method to inform the user that new files have been downloaded.



here is the home page after upgrade, restart


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That looks good.

I know you can’t use Piio but you can use Alert to push notifications to either Pushover or Prowl.

Other applications will show up once you use them.’

I have renamed daily-stats.js to dailystats.js to keep the filenames in a standard format.

All updates will be under the new filename.

Please edit your crontab and change as necessary. I also advise you to rename the current file.

done the renaming and edited crontab

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I did not add the option during install, and I can’t find a thing in config… I see the piio.js file but how do I make it actif ??

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