Atmospheric pressure waves from Volcano detected by Tempests (Hunga Tonga-Hunga Haʻapai)

Your primary wave looks nearly identical to mine in Tampa, Florida.

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It has arrived in the Canary islands for the third time but due to being slightly off center it is arriving with some mixing of at least 2 major waves so the times are approximate depending on which wave is timed.

1st = 15th Jan 11:52pm 5.4mb (combined wave)

2nd = 17th 11:55am

3rd = 18th 10:40pm 1mb

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My Tempest also picked it up in Wenatchee, WA

Interesting simulation of the passage of the perturbation here … .


would be interesting to see if people around Paris noticed this simulated higher intensity peak at 3 days, 16 hours after the eruption. Due to interference there is a sudden increase.

You can use the map to find stations and see what they saw

i looked at some data but couldn’t see it.

i grabbed about 4 days worth of 5 minute barometer samples from the mysql database used by WeeWx which sniffs the UDP broadcasts of my Tempest, imported this into Excel and ran a crude lowpass filter (basically, this_sample - avg(+/- 8 samples), and came up with … I do believe I see the original wave (peak at 04:05AM PST), and 3 more echos

note this graph is arbitrarily scaled, ‘1.0’ represents 0.01 inches of mercury difference from the average of the 8 samples before and 8 after the datapoint in question

this data is from 122 west, 37 north.


And here is a news/article released yesterday

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I expected much more than that.

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I can not even read it due to an advertisement appearing that I do not wish to click making the screen dark. I can still scroll the darkness. Yes they could have made much more out of it. I think they are really busy with other stuff.

FWIW, Pi-Hole whacked the ad before it got to my browser. Best $0.00 that I ever spent…

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pfsense did that for me … great warrior shooting every single ad coming close but not as cheap as yours (though it does a bit more) :slight_smile:

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Ad? What’s an ad? :wink:

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I captured both shock waves, West to East and East to West on the Central Coast of California!!

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I was just reading about the shockwave from the volcanic eruption in Tonga. It traveled around the globe once every 36 hrs at the speed of sound and caused pressure changes (barometric - ??) that were documented on weather stations. I looked at my barometer readings from around mid January but couldn’t see anything like that.
Was anyone able to document this phenomenon on their Tempest?
Link to NYT article - ‘It’s Super Spectacular.’ See How the Tonga Volcano Unleashed a Once-in-a-Century Shockwave. - The New York Times

Try using the search feature at the top of the screen. Perhaps the word “volcano” might help you in searching…one thread had 75 posts to it.

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Hi kkrawford,
I moved your post here to keep the discussion together.
Many topics and questions have been answered in our history and are found by using the search or magnifying glass with any key words from your question.

To find the wave from your own Tempest it is still possible by downloading your history in 24 hour blocks during the period when the wave passed over you.
By downloading 24hour blocks you will have one minute data returned.
You can download it in csv format using the API.
To learn how to do that you can start here
cheers Ian :slight_smile:

My apologies Ian and thanks for the info and link. I must have been in the wrong forum because I looked at all the posts since January and didn’t see any mentioning the volcano.

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