Grew up in NJ, born in 1957, you do the math. Duke Engineer and MBA, have been in Houston Texas since 1982. Was supposed to be here just 6 months! Started out in oil business switched to personal computers as soon as I could, road there rocket to 2001. Consulting, investment banking, and now design and 3D printing since then.
Bought a weekend “ranch”, that’s we call it anyway, our livestock are honey bees and wild deer, raccoons, birds, fish, coyotes, armadillos, etc.
Our weather out there is weird, rain seems to go around our area unless it is a tropical storm or large front. Since I like gadgets and we need the data for our place, I started searching for a PWS and luckily found the Tempest.
Testing it in Houston before moving 90 miles northwest to Ledbetter, Texas. I need to come up with a solar powered cellular WiFi hot spot to do that.