AIR was accidently sprayed with a hose

Long story short my mom hosed down our AIR unit with water (because she didn’t know what it was) since it was sitting next to her potted plants.

It’s still responding to the HUB and I don’t see any anomalies in any of the readings aside from a temporary spike in humidity.

I’m still very paranoid that too much water got into the little drainage hole and messed it up somehow though. Will it be OK?

You are fine. It’s pretty much water resistant. I would not soak it in a bucket of water but it’s designed so it withstands a heavy rain and even being covered in show.

Good to hear, thank you very much

…and covered in SNOW, too… :slight_smile::snowflake:


Yes, covered in snow. Mine was sitting under snow for two days when I first got it.


Speaking of snow on the Air, this is my favourite Air Installation picture on here. Posted by @patrick.mussner back in January