perfect example of why we shouldn’t jump to conclusions. This is station 3152 in my city. His UV index drops dramatically every day at 3 pm.
Calibration issue ? Nope. It’s the sun that goes behind trees or a building at that time. Interesting things we can learn about a yard just by analyzing the data a bit.

I get the same with cloud cover.

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Hey, maybe you’re neighbours with 3152 lol
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For 3152 in my town, drops are so predictable at same time each day, there is no other way to read the data. Has to be trees or buildings, not clouds.
Interesting in yours Too, how temporary cloud cover can drop the UV. Says a lot about going out to the beach, for sun lovers. Behind clouds, you’re safer :).
in some areas of the world, UV is much higher due to thInning in the ozone layer. We can measure that with Sky. Would be interesting to measure zones in New Zealand among others.
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I’m at 5700 feet and there are days we can hit higher than 11. I like cloud cover when we get it.

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Wow. I’m just at 900 ft lol. Those UV peaks, and the mountain peaks there are amazing. I’ve been to Col Springs and to Denver. Loved it. I guess one has to be careful about the UV tho.
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