With the arrival of iOS 17 for the iPhone it would be terrific to have a Tempest° widget that can be used with the Lock Screen Standby Mode. This would essentially provide a dedicated local display of you Tempest° data without having to configure a cluge of hardware and software to acquire the same. When I first became aware of the Lock Screen Standby mode widget capability, I immediately thought of the Tempest° station and what a great opportunity that would provide to greatly enhance the user experience.
There is a small change to add support for this that I added. I am currently testing it, but it seems to work fine. The standby mode only supports the “small” widget family which is the square widget that we currently have. In the future I will look into adding an additional layout, but for now it will just be the current one.
Not sure of the timeline of when I can get this pushed out, there is some other issues with building the app using the iOS 17 sdk that I have to fix, but they are pretty minimal.
This is great! Please keep us posted!
When are we going to see this available please!!
Should be coming out soon. I have a build that is based on the iOS 17 sdk currently in testing and I slipped this widget in. I can’t give a date other than it will be in the next release.
Look for version 5.17 build 700 which I just released on the app store. This includes the new standby widget.
Thanks for your quick attention to this request. Having this feature will be a great benefit to anyone having the Tempest Weather station that uses the iOS platform. A display for the Tempest weather station was one of the weaknesses of the system, but it looks like there’s going to be a method for providing this functionality. Again, thank you for your attention to this request.
Activated it immediately upon being notified of its availability. Just what the Tempestº was missing…
Is there an update frequency limit on standby mode widgets like there is on Watch complications? Just wondering how stale the displayed data gets, and if rapid_wind display is an option…
It’s the same system as the regular widgets. They give you a daily budget that equates to once every 15 minutes. Any more frequent and you could exceed the budget and the widget would stop updating until the budget resets.
I’ve wanted to do a rapid wind widget, but it’s just not doable given the constraint. One thing that might work is a “live activity” on the lock screen. Those are allowed to update a lot more frequently. I have it on my backlog to look into adding one of those for rapid wind when I have the time.
Glad to see this widget added to StandBy! Are there any plans to make different versions of the widget? Would be really nice to have one that showcases more observations from tempest. Thinking obs like MSLP, wind speed/direction, precipitation, etc. I’m thinking something like how a weather station “dashboard” looks like.
There are no official plans currently, but it’s one of those things I would like to add more of and will over time. I think adding a station “stat” widget would be doable where you can change which ob type you would like to display.
Do keep in mind the size is a single small homescreen widgets worth. So while standby takes up your full screen it is up-scaling these small widgets to fill the area. It’s unfortunate Apple went this way with it, but I understand the reasoning and it does make sense. The issue is that it doesn’t give you any actual extra room to work with. You develop these widgets like they will be a small home screen one and they do the magic of resizing it.
Thanks for the quick reply! A station “stat” card sounds like a really awesome idea! I hear you on the rigidness of the widget, only so much you can display within the area given and how Apple designed them.
I’m personally just looking for a widget that maximizes the number of obs parameters (within reason) I can see from my tempest…forecast info is secondary to me. If not possible due to the constraints with iOS widgets, then so be it!