Voting on Feature Requests 🗳

Dear Tempest app users,

We want your feedback and suggestions to gain visibility with our development team. Each forum user will be able to vote on any topic in the feature requests category. This will help the development team to prioritize improvements. Everyone is encouraged to make requests for any features or improvements including additions to the apps, device firmware, software, integrations, hardware and accessories!

Please review the voting rules and guidelines before posting or voting…

Voting rules and details:

  • Each forum user has a limited number of 5 votes available. Users can see their vote count on their activity page.
  • Users can cast a vote on open topics. When a topic is closed, votes are archived, voting closes, and votes will be returned to the voter to use on a different feature request.
  • If a topic is re-opened the votes are withdrawn from users’ vote count. If a user has a negative vote count from a re-opened topic, they will need to wait until other topics are closed to allow voting again.

Feature request topic guidelines:

  • Each topic should only contain one proposed feature request. Topics created in the feature request category are subject to edits made by moderators and WeatherFlow staff for brevity, context and clarity.
  • Original poster should make additional comments in a separate reply, not on the proposed feature request which should be as succinct as possible.
  • Topics and discussion of feature request should be carried out with the objective of convincing users to cast their votes on propose feature requests.

WeatherFlow staff will periodically close topics with one of two responses. We will either accept the feature request and work on implementing it on either web app, mobile app or both. Or we will explain why a particular request will not be feasible.

Thanks for your feedback and suggestions to help us improve!

After a week using the voting system, a few small additions have been made.

Your Feature Request post title may be edited with a tag in [square brackets]. This tag does not limit the scope or application of your feature request. Here are some tags you may see:

  • [App]: Applies to any application, mobile Android/iOS mobile or web app
  • [API]: Items which apply to the Application Program Interface
  • [FW]: Items which may apply to a device’s firmware
  • [HW]: Reasonable request for new hardware or accessories

Note that WeatherFlow has stated that, “From the dev team perspective, even though a feature may be seen as an app-specific thing, it touches many systems for us. Most new feature require some sort of API support and in some rare cases features may even require FW support.” So rest assured that the tags will not have a negative effect on your feature request.

Thanks to all for you proposals/ideas and thanks to all reading them and voting for the proposals they would like to see implemented. Let the votes come in :+1:


Is there a way to quickly view Feature Requests that have been actioned and what the action is . ie. feature added, feature under review, review pending, needs more votes, …, …

and feature requests with comments, questions, clarifications from Tempest, Weatherflow, …

1 Like

A post was merged into an existing topic: App or Watch Face for Galaxy Gear

A post was split to a new topic: Min/Max values on other data displays

Have any feature requests been actioned ?
Which ones ?


It’s been another year. No answer ?