A Few Grafana Dashboards for Tempest

I think I’ve become my own worst developer. :slight_smile: I keep changing things as I find out new details or ways of doing something like each of the paths I take has slightly different “problems” to deal with depending on the collectors I’ve built. Loki, InfluxDB, and Prometheus give me somewhat different ways of getting to the elements that I want that sometimes conflict with “keep it simple.” On top of that - making it work for multiple Tempests and Air/Sky poses a kind of usability issue that my All In One will eventually need reworking to handle. (I’ve added a second Tempest to my collection.)

Since I’ve also added the REST/Socket API - I’ve found that the data resolution doesn’t have as fine of detail as the UDP data. But the REST data has more derived data to consume and display.

Long story short - I think I’m going to break out my collector and dashboards from each other. Publish them separately for those that already know Grafana/Loki/InfluxDB and then rebuild the AIO as a simplified effort. Making the AIO work for every use case is becoming more challenging than I thought, especially considering data retention and ease of maintenance. It may also let folks use the already great collector from @vinceskahan. Yeah - just so many options to choose from that I keep bouncing around with what I want it to be! :slight_smile: That’s also me endlessly fiddling around with it!