I was just drilling through menus in the Tempest app, working on setting up the IFTTT applet for archiving. I tapped on my device in the manage devices menu, and apparently this tap registered as a swipe… And deleted my device.
First of all… Yikes. Why is there not a separate confirmation pop up before the device is irrevocably deleted? It was astonishingly simple to accidentally do this.
Secondly, I’m wondering about calibration. My station has only been online for about a month, and I’ll get it re-added as soon as I get home from a trip tonight, so this won’t really be much of a problem… Unless I’ve lost that month’s worth of calibration? I’m wondering if the calibration is tied to the device ID (which should be the same) in the same location, so once I re-add the station I’ll be right back where I was? Or, does the entire process start over from scratch? That would be disappointing, as I’ve had it hooked up to CWOP and other services with good accuracy checks, and it would be a shame to mess with that because of anamolous readings because calibration has started over.
Highly recommend adding a confirmation step to device deletion. If I’d just wiped out a years worth of data or something I’d be a bit annoyed right now .
Calibration is not a once and done thing. It is a constant process.
For the data it can be recovered but you’ll have to go via our support team. But this can only be done when the Tempest is back online and then they can swap the data streams back in.
Right, that’s why I was wondering if the process, in effect, is now “starting over”, or if the month’s worth of calibration that had already occurred is still in effect. Basically, where is the calibration data stored (device, hub, cloud?) and does it persist through a device deletion / re-addition?
Also, highly recommend adding a confirmation step to device deletion, because this is way too easy to do accidentally with a single tap that registers as a swipe.
To conclude this for anyone else reading, support did follow up promptly with me and provide a detailed answer, which I appreciate. It turns out that calibration data is lost, and the process does start over.
Thankfully, I only lost about a month of data from this. They mentioned there is supposed to be a confirmation step in the device deletion process, and I must have encountered a bug in the app (this was on Android btw.). Hopefully that means they’re looking into fixing it.
In the meantime, I recommend being very careful to tap WITHOUT ANY SIDEWAYS FORCE at all, if you’re going into your “manage devices” menu; to be clear, this is not your named station, but when you’re actually selecting a specific device by device ID number. Don’t swipe!