I had seven Tempest Weather Stations collecting data this winter. In early April I disconnected them, and finally am getting around to downloading the data. I downloaded some of the data early on without issues, but now I am getting an error message Not Found. I’m a bit worried that I can’t collect the data from a station that is offline. Any thoughts?
Here is my process:
Get Token and use it to Authorize at the Tempest API Explorer
Use Get Device Id by using the “get Stations(station_id)”
Enter parameters on Get observations/device/device_id
Device_id 227257
day_offset 150
start_time 0000
end_time 2359
format csv
I dont know the reason and can only suggest that you check your numbers. But I call the API differently which you could try. My call for a 24 hour period to return the one minute data on a linux computer and save to a file is described here:
curl -X GET --header ‘Accept: application/json’ 'https://swd.weatherflow.com/swd/rest/observations/device/12506?time_start=1685041140&time_end=1685127540&token= (insert token here) ’ > /var/tmp/wfdevice12506.json
You can use any operating system in a web browser by pasting the http link using the section between the ’ ’
You could find unix time by using a web page converter such as this
I dont know if it helps or will solve your problem.
Good luck from Ian
I’d suggest reaching out to WF support on this one. The fact that some of the data was downloaded early on, but no longer is… tells me that WF may have a data purge they do on devices that are offline for so long. Just a speculation, but it isn’t unreasonable for WF to delete data that is no longer being used. Though, 3 months seems awfully short.
Good advice. Turns out, I have two Tempest accounts. The one on my phone was linked to all the thermometers. The one on my computer isn’t, and that was the one I was using to generate the token for authorization. Not sure why it worked early on, but who cares!