Including Sky data into Google Spreadsheet

It is just my first rough experiment learning about google sheets to present multi data graphs straight onto the 2000 row sheets to see how well it works. It is not ideal, I am just experimenting the capabilities and issues that crop u.
I am using the 2000 row sheets because my first experiment with a large sheet with 30,000 rows gets bogged down.
I havnt worked with google sheets before so my main difficulty was when trying to create a graph it is really important to format the top label row as text, the date time as date time, and the numbers as a number, I chose number format 0.0 because it was simpler to do, and I had to do it every time after copying the values from the formulas to the graph sheet even though they were already formatted correctly. The graph was easily upset otherwise.
This method involved creating formulas onto a sheet which is then copied onto any of the automatically generated sheets.
Open the target sheet and rename the copied sheet by removing ‘copy of’
Then the graph sheet is also copied onto the same ‘sheet/ which is now a workbook’.
On that targeted workbook the values are copied from the formula sheet beginning at row 2 onto the graph sheet at row 1.
Then the formats of the numbers are again reformatted to numbers otherwise the graph is confused.
Then the graph looked like this again with the ‘new’ graphed values.

Here are the formulas used as shown:
=DATEVALUE(MID(Sheet1!A1,FIND(“,”,Sheet1!A1)-2,2)&“-”&LEFT(Sheet1!A1,(FIND(" “,Sheet1!A1)-1))&”-“&MID(Sheet1!A1,FIND(”,“,Sheet1!A1)+2,4))+TIMEVALUE(MID(Sheet1!A1,FIND(”:“,Sheet1!A1)-2,5)&” "&RIGHT(Sheet1!A1,2))

=Formulas!B1&iferror(" “&right(Sheet1!B2,LEN(Sheet1!B2)-(FIND(” “,Sheet1!B2)-0)),”")

=LEFT(Sheet1!B1,(FIND(" ",Sheet1!B1)-1))

Summary: I dont like it yet and I dont think this is very useful yet. Its purpose was a possible starter for configurable specific multi value graphs.

cheers Ian :slight_smile: