iPhone Tempest Widget

iPhone Widgit for Home Screen for IOS 14.xx and iwatch Integration would be Great

2 posts were merged into an existing topic: [API] Apple widgets

I second this for all the apps. I use an old tablet running the app as a console, but most of the text is so small it’s hard to read unless you’re right next to it. Having a setting in the app to increase the size of the text and icons would be useful for both accessibility and console purposes.


Yes, on a tablet in landscape mode there is plenty of room to make the current condition text and icons bigger

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Yes! Please redesign the landscape display to allow reading Temp, Wind, Rain and Lightning from across a room. You really shouldn’t have to get up and walk over to the display to “glance at” the weather.

4 posts were merged into an existing topic: [App] Apple Widgets (In Development)

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