Map - Favourite Stations/Locations

Is there a facility to highlight favourite stations/locations? If not, any plans to provide this ability?

If you click on the station name in the app it will open a drop down menu with your Tempest station(s) and any saved locations. To add a location, click the + in the upper right hand corner.

At present, we can not add a specific station by station ID. To view someone else’s station directly, we still must use the map or a direct link to the station. For specific stations I just save them as bookmarks/favorites in my browser.

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Many thanks for your advice and tips.

Tip…you have to choose a town/city after that you need to hit next in the upper right hand corner and use the map to pin your custom station to favorite it. It will also ask if you’d like to rename it as well. If you don’t hit next and the stations are in close proximity of each other the app will use one of the station(s) data for all of them.


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