Being a new Tempest owner here in Northern Ohio (Cleveland area). Loving the device so far, but am wondering if I need to plan on further investing in a “Power Booster” (plus lithium batteries) for this winter due to cloudy conditions. What say you fellow Buckeyes?
Hi fellow Midwesterner, I am in the NW suburbs of Chicago, and I have had my Tempest since it debuted over 4 years ago. We can go 2 weeks in our area in the winter with very little sun and I would say my Tempest may have gone into “low power mode” once or twice but never lost power.
You may want to search around but my recommendation is that the tempest be installed in a shadow free location. I didn’t have that option in my location as when the sun is lower in the sky in winter the house shadows may cover the panels for about 3 hours a day if it’s a sunny day in mid-winter.
Below is my battery graph for the last 365 days:
Your chart clearly shows your Tempest survived the cloudy weather! I’m encouraged. My placement is high enough and free of any buildings to the South that maybe it will do alright. Thanks for your feedback!
I just added annual charge data graphs to my weather web site. Scroll down for the historical battery:
Thanks! Looks like your battery held up well with only a couple dips during the winter. Hope we can see that here in Northern Ohio this year!