Are you able to explain more? Will the app transition into something more for homeowner vs sailing? That’s what’s missing, an app that can display the data more elegantly.
The initial release will be pretty much as it is, just with some restrictions on the data I show in the app.
If you have suggestions for modifications to the interface, please feel free to submit suggestions or comments.
My suggestion are only general. For a “simple” method, have 2 choices for graphical screen. One is for sailing and one is for home weather. To go more advanced, have a grid. A couple of the grids are larger so the detail/fonts are larger. Allow for drag and drop the data type into the grid. For me, the 2 big grids would be temperature and rain. What I liked about the AcuRIte display was there were small rectangular screens that I could touch an arrow to move to the next data info, such as rain TYD or rain total for the month or highest temp recorded for the year. I have no idea if an app can easily pull that data, but that is what I loved about the AcuRite.
I ended up getting a nice frame for the kindle 8 10th gen (you dont’ want the 12th since it hates google play), having an electrician install a recessed usbc wall socket, and then mounting the frame on the wall. I then just run the tempest app full screen w/o turning off. It works quite nicely, just occasionally complaining about the bt not working. Otherwise its seamless. As a nice bonus, I installed my recipe manager, so I have an on-wall recipe reader too!