USB wall charger for HUB

The indoor HUB device that controls your weather station must be plugged in, although it consumes very little power. The HUB is delivered with a standard USB 2.0 A-Male to Micro B cable. You will need to supply the USB wall charger (AKA: power supply, the thing you pull into the wall). Please ensure that your USB wall charger supports at 1.0 amps or higher to function properly. Amazon Basics makes a totally adequate USB wall charger found in USA here: You can also use a common USB wall charger like one you likely have to charge your modern smartphone or tablet.


Why doesn’t WeatherFlow include the USB wall charger with the station? Good question. With all the various plug types around the world, it’s quite difficult to maintain separate regional inventory at our current scale. In addition, we found that a vast majority of users have many USB wall chargers around the house for charging phones etc. Further, it’s becoming more common to have direct usb outlets in a household. Finally, the USB interface allows for remote power operation using a USB power brick. With all these options, we decided it wasn’t worth raising the cost of our stations by ~US$20 to include a USB wall charger. Now you know.


Hi @WFmarketing

I have tested the amps required to supply the hub during normal use (Air and Sky, Non power save mode) on wifi without a bluetooth connection.
My hub used 24mAh in one hour at 5V.
That means an average current of 0.024 Amps.
Watching the meter the maximum amps I noticed was 0.08 Amps.
I am carrying out the tests prior to setting it up like @GaryFunk is doing from his raspberry pi and checking that I will not overload the raspberry pi power supply and determining how large a battery I will require.
Are you aware of any time that it actually requires 1 Amp?
cheers Ian :slight_smile:

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Brief reply from our electrical engineering staff: Average power draw is 0.5 watts
So, figure 0.6 watts from the wall assuming the usb power supply is 85% efficient

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I hate to ask, but what peak do you need to have for bootup, setup, reacquiring wifi, etc. ???

I see a peak draw of 153mA.


Good Everyone is in the same ball park then.
WF: 0.5Watts/5Volts=0.1Amps or 100mA
My test: 24mA
Garys maximum: 153mA

All well below 1 Amp.
cheers Ian :slight_smile:

In case anyone is interested in a real-time measurement.
