WeatherFlow PiConsole - Customization

I couldn’t find a way to capture a screenshot of the wfpiconsole running on the Pi, so here’s a pic from my phone.

I rearranged the layout of the max gust display to accommodate the time, and changed the the avg wind to look similar.

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I have a question. We experience a lot of thunderstorms in our area and I really enjoy the feature that switches the barometric panel to the lighting panel when strikes are detected. Once that occurs though, it stays on the lightning panel until manually switched back.

What I would like is to have it switch back automatically to barometric say 30 to 60 seconds after the strike. Obviously if there are a lot of strikes it should stay on the lightning panel, but as the storm passes it would return to the normal barometric panel.

How might I do this?

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I have a 3.5 screen on top of my raspberry pi. Is there a simple way that I could display only lightning data on that screen on the entire screen? Can you point me in the right direction?

This could be done, but it would require significant modifications to the code. Have you managed to get a vanilla version of the console running on your 3.5" screen with 6 panels?


This looks great! I’ve had a play with the code and it should be possible for me to achieve what you are looking for. Can’t guarantee a timescale on the changes required, but watch this space!

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Thank you Sir! I Appreciate it!

I’m working on an indoor conditions panel using a Bosch Sensortec BME280 temperature/pressure/humidity sensor. I have the sensor working on the same Pi as the PiConsole, and have a python script which displays the output as text.

Part of the python code is a data processing module, which I want to use with the indoor panel’s python code. I’m having trouble figuring out where to put that module so it can be imported into I tried putting it in wfpiconsole/user, but when I restart wfpiconsole, I get a ModuleNotFoundError. Is there a proper place to put the module for importing into

There is no “correct” place to put the data processing module, but if you are going to put it in wfpiconsole/user (which makes sense), you are going to have to add the required file to the same directory to make sure Python knows to look in that directory for the module. It would probably be worth reading this to understand more: 6. Modules — Python 3.11.5 documentation (section 6.4 will be important)

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Thanks, Peter. That fixed the problem.

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I am at the point in the instrument lifespan where the battery is failing. This causes my station to go offline often. Until I fix the hardware, I want to put an offline indicator on my custom panel. Is the station offline/online variable available in the custom panels? If I can get to the variable, I can figure out the rest of the puzzle.

Yes, this variable is available.

In a Python file it can be accessed as self. app.CurrentConditions.Status['station_status']

In a kv file it can be accessed as app.CurrentConditions.Status['station_status']

Thank You Peter. This is exactly what I needed.

Karl…can you share the update wind.kv file for this change you made?


Hi Greg,
Here is the file: wind.kv
The changes are to the Daily averaged wind speed (starting at line 47) and the Maximum wind gust (starting at line 69).

I haven’t upgraded my console to the latest version. This file is based on the one in version 23.5 beta, so be aware that there may be other changes to the file since then if you have a later version. Best to do a diff against your current file to see what’s changed.

Thanks! I got the Daily average working just fine but the max wind gust has an issue.

The following line gets an index out of range error:

text: ‘–:–’ if not isinstance(app.CurrentConditions.Obs[‘MaxGust’], list) else app.CurrentConditions.Obs[‘MaxGust’][2]

Did you have to change any of the observation gathering code to populate an additional field in the MaxGust data so that it contains that max gust timestamp? If not then something in the data has changed in the current version of the app.

Hi Greg,

Sorry for forgetting the rest. I updated the gist to add two other files, and Both are in the lib directory. has changes around line 277 for the wind. It also has some changes to barometric pressure formatting starting at line 255, which Peter has incorporated into the latest release. has changes around lines 1209, 1225, 1245, and several starting at line 1255. Again, probably best to run a diff against what you already have.

Thanks Karl! I’ll begin to digest all of what you provided.


Does anyone have any updates on big temperature panel working with the latest ver software? I get the message about needing to change my OS version to use the recent wfpiconsole version and my old version is no longer updating for the past 3-4 days. Think it’s forcing me to update, but last I tried, big temp panel wasn’t able to be installed.

What kind of monitor is that? Has “Gav???”. What is he screen size?
I have a tempest WX and plan on going down this path to make a permanent display in my office.
I’m also with CoCoRHaS with NM-SN-3 and NWS volunteer with RRON5.