Wind speed ...(alarm)

looking for a solution for relay output at certain wind speed …(alarm)

Maybe IFTTT would work.

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Possibly overkill, but Tempest integrates very well with the Home Assistant automation platform. You could then create an automation that turns a smart outlet or relay controller on and off based on wind speed.

i am trying to use my tempest weatherforce to have a wind alarm close a relay to lower my radio tower…
any help would be appreciated …
something simpler than homeassistant ??? iffft was sugggested…

both looks beyong me …
bill NY9H ham radio callsign

If you can programmatically raise/lower the tower, weewx can probably trigger it to happen even if you need to cobble something together to write a scratch file and have an external cron job to do the heavy lifting (or lowering)…but this sounds like a job for Home Assistant or node-red to me…

HA isn’t too bad if you run it in a docker container, FWIW, assuming you have a computer sitting around that you’re willing to set up accordingly.

I can commit a raspberrypi to the project… i would think that a wx wind alarm could cause the pi to close a relay,

i looked up weewx , so i load this onto a pi running raspberry os… and the software will be able to assign output pins to close a relay ???

I have no idea what a docker container is … and don’t knw how to write a scratch file …

I am looking to find the software to cause some pins on the pi to close…

thanks for helping … a pix of the tower if go to


IFTTT has Tempest triggers for “wind rises above” and “ wind drops below”, and you could use these triggers to turn Wemo plugs on and off, possibly adding a AC relay controlled by the plug to actually move the mast.

Saw the shack pix. Yikes- Home Assistant would be a walk in the park besides that!

If you have a Pi, there are plenty of relay “hats” that you can use. Check Adafruit.

Given your answers above and lots of “I have no idea how to…” it’s probably prudent to punt on the weewx option. I’d suggest starting nice and simple to the extent possible and talk with peers in the radio community about what they do. That tower rig looks pretty complicated and massive. This isn’t looking like a simple one to me and given your answers, I worry about safety-of-life type issues at a minimum.

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as far as safety of life … since this is a “crankup” tower, climbing on it is totally not permitted…NEVER…

looking at ifttt controlling an outlet ,



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