A simple app that displays live data from a Tempest station

Being a new enthusiastic Tempest owner and software developer with too much time on his hands, I created a simple app that displays live data from my Tempest station. Nothing fancy: no historical data, no forecast. Just the raw data coming in live from the sensors.

I made it available for free on the App Store, for all Apple platforms (iPhone, iPad, Mac and Apple TV):

If there is enough interest, I might make the code open source on Github. Let me know! :nerd_face:


Hi Pascal, love your KISS approach :slight_smile:

But, yes as usual there is a but, make some settings where you can choose what Tempest data you want to display. I have a bunch (for good reasons) and it is speeding from one to another as the 3 sec data flows in from each.

Not everyone has multiple devices but we are more than 10 .

If you want a tester, sure some will help you.

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Haha, that’s funny (well, not really). When I started working on this project, I identified the multi-station as a possibility, but dismissed it as low-probability. Looks like I was wrong, and I will make it right as soon as I can!

Thanks for the feedback!



no stress Pascal !

Vast majority is single device but some nerds do have several. Maybe a first quick dirty option is just to use first in the list and ignore the others. Later on when you have more time and there is really a call from community, code a selector.

Already happy you coded this and published it free.

That’s a great suggestion, thanks!

A few thoughts…

  1. if it’s not going to be commercial then ALWAYS open source it on github so people can learn from it.

  2. you don’t say much on your app page but my read is you’re picking the UDP off the wifi and displaying it on the phone/tablet. Is that accurate ?

  3. can this display info from the old Air/Sky (obs_air and obs_sky) ?

  4. if yes, yes, not yet above then please refer to (1) above and open source it so we can try to help make it even more usable.

Great stuff !!!

Great except I have an iPhone 8 Plus running its latest OS which is 16.7.10

So after trying, I cannot download your app.

But good job writing it and sharing it for free.


if it’s not going to be commercial then ALWAYS open source it on github so people can learn from it.

You’re absolutely right and I agree! I’m not sure yet if this is going to be commercial or not, although I suppose it would not preclude me from making the code open-source. I’ll most probably end up making it open source, will let you know in this thread.

you don’t say much on your app page but my read is you’re picking the UDP off the wifi and displaying it on the phone/tablet. Is that accurate?

That’s exactly right.

can this display info from the old Air/Sky (obs_air and obs_sky)?

Nothing prevents me from supporting those observation types, it’s just that I do not own those devices so I wasn’t able to test. But I definitely can add support for them and ask the community to test.

Thanks for your feedback!

Indeed, the app requires iOS 17.6 and up. Since this was a hobby project for me I wanted to be able to leverage the latest Apple technologies as a learning exercice. I might eventually explore the possibility of lowering this requirement in order to support older devices, but I’m making no promises. But once the code is open-source, I might be able to get some help in this area :blush:.

If you look at the UDP API it would be pretty obvious. The Tempest obs_st is basically the union of the old Sky obs_sky and Air obs_air. My wfudptools python program does Tempest only FWIW but does have some example JSON in there for Air and Sky.

Not a big deal anyway - I’m more interested in the more general question of how do you develop an Apple mobile app and this one looks like a nice simple gui too. Examples are always great !

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Can you add it for Apple Watches also?

Can you make it for Apple Watches also?

I thought about it, but since it can take up to a minute before data is received by the app, I figured it would not be that useful. But I definitely can add it anyways, it’s not a lot of work.