All Time Data via app?


I was wondering if there’s anyway to get the all time data of my tempest? For example what’s the highest temperature ever recorded? It seems pretty simple but doesn’t seem possible at the moment?


Sadly, no. WeatherFlow claims on the Tempest website that you can access weekly and monthly highs, lows, and averages, but even that is untrue.

sorry, but I’ve never seen that claim. They offer graphs, and an api to get all the data and calculate the max yourself.

Yes it was mentioned in the kickstarter…

ok thanks, that was before I joined the fun :wink:

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Not just on Kickstarter, it’s on their site today (Tempest Forecasting - WeatherFlow). This is such a basic feature of anything that collects weather data that I presumed it to be true when I saw it posted as a feature of this system. It was indeed a factor in my decision to buy a Tempest after using a Davis Vantage Pro 2+ with FARS for about 18 years. The absence of this very basic capability - and the false and misleading claim that still exists on the website - is very disappointing, both about the system and the company.