And the good news is

The good news is that my regular tempest made it through the darkest period of the year without going completely offline. Plenty of power saving days, but only one day with a voltage as low as 2.35 V, the day before Christmas. That’s a lot better than last year!


I just got down to mode 3 yesterday; I don’t know if I will be so lucky as you.
I have made some observations that the “Low” state in the app is expressly voltage driven at the 2.355 (displayed as 2.35) voltage cutoff. This may not seem like an issue but if the voltage fluctuates to 2.356 (displayed 2.36v) the battery state is displayed as “Good” which is not a true statement since it is still in Mode 3 displaying in the app that rain sensor is disabled and wind speed measurement frequency reduced.

With the wind speed frequency reduced the app (Android in my case) will not display any wind speed or direction (under Tempest Icon). UDP broadcasts prove that wind speed readings are occurring every few minuets. Wind direction average is not read, wind gust is not read, wind lull is not read, wind speed average is not read; only Wind Speed and Wind Direction is reported over UDP. The app never displays any wind related information even thou the data is actually available.

Yes, I did think about a new thread but I saw yours and this appears to be a fine place to post it.

So, I think the Battery State as displayed in the App should be respective of the operation of the Tempest and not solely Battery Voltage. Wind speed and direction should be displayed; the information icon is there stating that frequency is reduced already…so why not display it? This data is also not available in the App History. Wind speed and wind direction is only displayed on the ‘main’ current conditions page but is not the actual current data, it is stuck displaying the last reported average data. Displayed at 217 degrees at 9 mph however in reality wind speed is 2.15 mph and wind bearing is 98 degrees.


Looks like the “Santa” hat you had on your avatar was donated to Tempest! (oh, let me guess. . .you have photoshop skills because you would never intentionally block off Tempest’s top!)

Is that a heavy-duty plexiglass rod/pole?

indeed, that’s a acrylic rod. I love it, and I would prefer not to have wires going up for charging it.

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I do stupid stuff and I don’t even know why.

No, that’s not stupid. . .it was very cleaver. . .just like the “Tempest Angel” on the Christmas tree (2020) and “Tempest in Space” YT video!

in the lowest power save mode the wind sampling is only done once every 5 minutes, rain data will completely stop. The battery label is clearly a good indication of actual battery state. It would be way better if that was somehow directly related to the powersave mode. 2.35V was my lowest this Christmas, but is definitely something you would like to avoid.

I like them as well. A touch of humor is always good (although some people not always appreciate it)

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Where did you get the acrylic rod?

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that’s a long time ago. Some shop in the Netherlands that sold them online. You probably can find a shop if you google a bit. This one is 2m long, but it sways a bit more than I was expecting. 1.5m is probably better.

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