Announcements & Updates

A new version of the WeatherFlow PiConsole is now available: v24.6.1

  • Added timeout to lightning panel after lightning strike detected
  • Added ability to use Statistics API endpoint

To update please run wfpiconsole stop followed by wfpiconsole update . Please make sure any local changes to the code or custom panels are backed up.

Both these new features are disabled by default.

The lightning panel timeout specifies the time in minutes after a lightning strike that the lightning panel will be automatically closed. The timeout can be set under MenuSettingsDisplayLightning timeout. A value of 0 means no timeout is specified and the lightning panel will not close automatically.

The Statistics API endpoint ensures monthly/yearly rain accumulation values are calculated correctly after a Tempest device has been replaced. Using this endpoint results in a small loss of accuracy (rounding errors), so it is not enabled by default. It can be enabled under MenuSettingsSystemStatistics API endpoint. It is not recommended for use unless you have replaced a device within the last calendar year. At the end of a calendar year, the Statistics endpoint can be switched off.
