Tempest Weather System Third-Party Applications

Updated: 20 February 2019

This is an ongoing list of third-party applications that directly or indirectly support or use data from WeatherFlow. I will be updating and revising the list during the first two weeks in November.

(Applications are placed in alphabetical order)

Applications directly supporting WeatherFlow

Weather Display

WeatherFlow PiConsole

WeeWX UDP driver

WX Console and Uploader

WeatherFlow for Home assistant

Tempest Weather Station for TRMNL

Applications indirectly supporting WeatherFlow

ISY Node Server

ISY Polyglot Node Server


WeatherFlow Application for Homey

WeatherFlow HomeSeer plug-in




WeatherFlow2MQTT for Home Assistant

WeatherFlow for Hubitat

Hubitat Driver for WeatherFlow API

Your Tempest weather data via Carrot Weather app (iPhone/Android)

Your Tempest weather data via SmatMixin Weather app (iPhone/Android)

WeatherFlow Data on ROKU

WordPress plugin WeatherFlow

** Tempest Weather Block for DAKboard**


I believe this is the first “Wiki” post on our forum. A Wiki can be created by any user, and is editable by any user on the forum. If you find any errors or omissions here, feel free to make corrections and additions. Thanks!


A post was split to a new topic: Tempest WS data for Ham APRS Weather, someone did this already?

hey @dsj , thanks for putting this list together. we just launched a Tempest e-ink dashboard plugin, would you mind checking it out and considering inclusion on this page?

preview (+ setup guide):

video demo:

Ryan, proud new amateur meteorologist


Very cool, Ryan! And you used Oauth2 - props for that nice extra!

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