@wx3i09, for those of you running a Raspberry Pi 4 an extra step is needed to get the console running perfectly. The “Task Bar” panel needs to be hidden or else it will displace the console on the screen. There are two options to achieve this. First right click on the “Task Bar” panel and select Panel settings. Select the Advanced tab. Then either:
Un-tick “Reserve space, and not covered by maximised windows”, or
Tick “Minimise panel when not in use” and set “Size when minimised” to 0 pixels.
New release (v2.12) of the WeatherFlow PiConsole. Changes include:
Fixed bug for older Raspberry Pi hardware
@chuckmc, before you update, please delete the Hardware key in the System section of your .ini file. The update should recreate this key with a new value that should work for your hardware.
New release (v2.14) of the WeatherFlow PiConsole. Changes include:
Fixed bug in autostart if WiFi is slow to connect (@seth)
Fixed bug in autostart for Raspberry Pi 4
@seth, hopefully this update should fix your problem. I have change the .service file to attempt to start the console 5 times, with each attempt separated by 10 seconds. This should allow enough time for your WiFi to come online. Let me know if it doesn’t work though!
Update the console using wfpiconsole update and then setup the autostart using wfpiconsole autostart-enable.
Please note: From early November 2019 to Feburary 2020 there will be no support for the PiConsole. I will be working in Antarctica with no access to the internet. Hopefully the console will continue to work, but I can’t promise there won’t be any changes to the WeatherFlow API (@dsj?), or the Python modules required to run the console. Sorry!
New release (v2.15) of the WeatherFlow PiConsole. Changes include:
Removed extra Restart clause in .service file (@seth)
@clevenger7778 there was a bug in the lightning strike distance formatting that was stopping your wind speed/direction showing. That should now be fixed.
@seth I am almost 100% the reason my initial changes to the .service file didn’t work was because of the second restart=no. That was a typo and should have been removed. I have kept the StartLimitInterval and StartLimitBurst as they were originally. Let me know if you need to change these again, as if so I will add them to the next update.
rather than just the wfpiconsole update command. Follow the installation through (it should skip a lot of steps), and it will update you to Version 2.16
@wxkeith This should solve your screen blanking issue on the Raspberry Pi 4. Just a few things to note that I found during testing:
The DPMS settings are reset if you restart your pi
If you wake the screen using a VNC connection, the screen will not always register that it has powered on, and therefore will not always power off again as expected. Touching the screen fixes this.
Could try xset dpms 10 10 10 and confirm that the screen is turning off every 10 seconds as expected? It is working well on my Pi4, but would be good to get confirmation from you as well.
I am pleased to announce that Version 3 of the PiConsole is available for download. This is a major new release, and changes include:
Fully customisable display
Compatible with Tempest module
New measure of lightning strike frequency
Indoor Air module can be used to display indoor temperature
Display is updated immediately when units are changed
Indoor temperature can be hidden if required
To upgrade to Version 3, please run wfpiconsole update followed by wfpiconsole start or wfpiconsole autostart-enable.
When Version 3 starts for the first time, a number of questions will be asked to update your configuration file. You may also be required to re-enter you Outdoor AIR module ID.
The fully customisable display allows you to arrange the different panels in any layout. Changes to the layout can be made in the settings screen. The display can show 6 Primary Panels at a time, and each Primary Panel can have a Secondary Panel behind it (if required) that can be switched to at the touch of a button. The only restriction is that the clock is attached to the Rainfall panel and this cannot be changed. More panels will be added in the future, including a Status panel to show battery voltage etc.
Tempest compatibility is based on the current un-documented Websocket implementation. This may change at any time, so be aware that the console may stop working without notice, and I will have to update the console to reflect any changes.
NOTE: If you want to switch from displaying Air/Sky data to Tempest data, and the Tempest module is attached to a different station, you will need to delete your existing .ini file and create a new one using you Tempest station ID. Otherwise the console will complain that the Tempest ID is not valid.
Version 3 has been tested by myself and @eric (thanks!!), so hopefully it is reasonably bug free. As usual though, if you spot any issues please let me know and I will fix them ASAP. Also, feel free to post any questions and I will help out where I can.
The update can be installed with wfpiconsole update
Now that Apple have taken the grim decision of restriction access to DarkSky data to Apple users only , I will start the search for a new weather API (suggestions welcome). I have removed DarkSky forecasts from the console for new users (as they can no longer get an API key), but it will continue to work for existing users until I find a replacement service (or until the end of 2021, which ever comes first!)
New release (v3.2) of the WeatherFlow PiConsole. Changes include:
Fixed a bug that caused the console to freeze (thanks @padieter)
Implemented threading to make the console more responsive
Added mouse support for Raspberry Pi 3 (@hankster)
Lots of bug fixes and improvements
Update using wfpiconsole update
The mouse support is limited, but should be sufficient to navigate the console when running on a non-touchscreen. Note the mouse must be connected to the Pi before you start the console.
New release (v3.3) of the WeatherFlow PiConsole. Changes include:
New solar/UV panel
Updated lightning distance display for Tempest
API calls are now repeated if Websocket connection is lost
Lots of bug fixes and performance improvements
For those new to using the console, first stop the current console with wfpiconsole stop. Then update using wfpiconsole update
This version introduces a new solar/UV panel. There is a new day/night/dawn/dusk bar that graphically represents the length of each period of the day, as well as the progress of the sun through the day. It also introduces a new metric: Peak Sun Hours. This is a measure of how effective solar panels will be given the observed solar radiation.
@kbeast this version should fix the rain/lightning discrepancies you were seeing
New release (v3.4) of the WeatherFlow PiConsole. Changes include:
Bug fixes and performance improvements
For those new to using the console, first stop the console with wfpiconsole stop . Then update using wfpiconsole update
PLEASE NOTE: any local changes you may have made to the code will be overwritten by the update command. I suggest you backup your changes before updating (@stevecody, @marcow46)
New release (v3.5) of the WeatherFlow PiConsole. Changes include:
New Main Menu and status panel
Buttons to exit console, reboot, and shutdown
Improved error logging for debugging
Bug fixes and performance improvements
For those new to using the console, first stop the console with wfpiconsole stop . Then update using wfpiconsole update
PLEASE NOTE: any local changes you may have made to the code will be overwritten by the update command. I suggest you backup your changes before updating
New release (v3.6) of the WeatherFlow PiConsole. Changes include:
New weather forecast powered by WeatherFlow
Bug fixes and performance improvements
For those new to using the console, first stop the console with wfpiconsole stop . Then update using wfpiconsole update.
This update contains the new weather forecast provided by WeatherFlow. It means the console no longer requires API keys from the UK MetOffice, DarkSky, or Geonames. They will be automatically removed from your .ini file the first time you run the console after the update.
PLEASE NOTE: any local changes you may have made to the code will be overwritten by the update command. Please backup your changes before updating
New release (v3.7) of the WeatherFlow PiConsole. Changes include:
Replaced WeatherFlow API key with Personal Access Tokens
Added 12hr clock display for Sager/Forecast times
Check for “Type” in Websocket messages
Verify API keys entered into config file
Fixed bug when forecast is empty
Station/module IDs shown in settings
To update first stop the console with wfpiconsole stop. Then update using wfpiconsole update.
When you update you will be prompted to enter a WeatherFlow Personal Access Token. This token allows the PiConsole to access the data from your station, and they can be generated, viewed, and deleted here: Tempest Settings (you may need to login). Click on Create token, give it a name, and then copy/paste it into the terminal.
PLEASE NOTE: any local changes you may have made to the code will be overwritten by the update command. Please backup your changes before updating
New release (v3.8) of the WeatherFlow PiConsole. This is a small bug fix release so there will be no noticeable change. Changes include:
Fixed bug when “type” is missing in Websocket messages
Fixed bug when API call returns None
To update first stop the console with wfpiconsole stop . Then update using wfpiconsole update .
PLEASE NOTE: any local changes you may have made to the code will be overwritten by the update command. Please backup your changes before updating.
If you are updating from a version lower than 3.7 you will be prompted to enter a WeatherFlow Personal Access Token. This token allows the PiConsole to access the data from your station, and they can be generated, viewed, and deleted here: https://tempestwx.com/settings/tokens (you may need to login). Click on Create token , give it a name, and then copy/paste it into the terminal.
Version 4.0 of the WeatherFlow PiConsole is now available. This is a major new release, and changes include:
New forecast panel showing daily and hourly forecast values
Console now compatible with arbitary screen sizes
One line installer now compatible with Ubuntu and Raspberry Pi OS on PCs
New font to improve display
To update first stop the console with wfpiconsole stop . Then update using wfpiconsole update .
PLEASE NOTE: any local changes you may have made to the code will be overwritten by the update command. Please backup your changes before updating.
During the update process you will also be asked to enter your Personal Access Token again. This is the last time - sorry!
Update Notes
One-line installer: The PiConsole can now be installed on a PC running Ubuntu 18.04 LTS or Raspberry Pi OS using the simple one-line installer. It is currently not compatible with Ubuntu 20.04 without downgrading Python to version 3.7
Screen size/resolution: By default the PiConsole will run in full screen mode in Version 4. However, if you are running on a Raspberry Pi 4 or a PC with Raspberry Pi OS or Ubuntu 18.04 LTS, full screen mode can be disabled in Menu → Settings → Display. In this case the console will use the dimensions specified in the configuration file ( wfpiconsole.ini ), which can be changed manually. This behaviour is not available on the Raspberry Pi 3 due to hardware limitations. Please note that extreme changes to the aspect ratio will result in text fields running into one another, and the minimum window size is 800x480 (the same size as the Raspberry Pi touchscreen). Under Settings → Display there are also settings to show/hide the cursor and show/hide the window border.
As with any major release, there might be a few bugs lying around in the code. If you spot something, please let me know and I will try and get it fixed ASAP.