yes it would trigger another warning. If you really want to track thunderstorms, use something like, but at least you got a warning to find a safe place and/or to start looking at the map
@dsj Just wondering how far off is this going to be implemented in the app?
It’s still on the road map, but we don’t have an ETA yet.
I’d LOVE it if I could leave lightning alerts on, but only get the first notification
If there is an an ongoing storm for 2 hours, I don’t need all the alerts. Perhaps a 2 hour cooldown period, where if there is no strikes for 2 hours, it will then alert again
Is this possible? I want lightning alerts, but when I get one every 20 seconds its pretty pointless
Hi Tony,
You may want to read through this topic as it pertains to what you are asking. Also, vote for it as I think when I merged your post here it freed up your vote.
This would be GREAT!
Is it possible to limit a lightning strike to a 20 km ? Today I had lightning strikes 46 km away which are 3 cities away from me ate possible in future versions of the android application Tempest to allow a limit of 20 km as well as notification of lightning in the form of notification up to 20 km.
please develop team soon to allow us to adjust how far we want to receive lightning strike information.
Awesome - hope its coming soon - Storm season in Brisbane
Update on lightning strike app improvement? I just turned off mine off, which is a shame, but I couldn’t take receiving an alert every minute for a storm that’s over 20 miles away. (Cool feature but essentially worthless if you can’t control the distance and alert notifications.)
you had 2 alerts from Weatherflow servers yesterday regarding lightning (before you turned if off)
25-27 miles @ 4.35pm CDT
08-11 miles @ 4.45pm CDT
before that we have to go to march 8th
15-17 miles @ 10.22 am CDT
23-25 miles @ 9.24 am CDT
As I asked for someone else in another topic, do you get notifications via other 3rd party apps (eventually linked to Weatherflow ?) because we don’t see the flow of alerts send you mention.
I read often ysome want to limit the range to like a mile or 2 … This will not work as the little unit in the Tempest is meant as early warning, not just next door. And all detectors work way less once lightning nears as it has to turn down radically its sensitivity to survive → less accurate. I won’t go in details on how a network like Blitzortung works but once it is like nearing 20 km, your detector just isn’t used anymore because the signal is way to jammed. Others in the network will be used to triangulate for your position.
Now let’s try another approach, a lightning can travel far, really far from its origin point, like over 500 miles … not very common I admit but between 0 and 20 miles isn’t so unusual. And now comes the fun part, the bolt travels at +/- 250.000 mph → +/- 70 miles a second … you will see the flash an instant before it drops next to you …
An early warning system is useful when it is ‘early’ enough. Everyone is free to disable it.
that is more like the expected behavior. only a few alerts per storm (once for entering each of the four “sunny” zones as a maximum per half hour).
Man, I had a thunderstorm roll through the other night and my phone was going insane alerting me about lightning 20+ miles away before and after it crossed us. I can’t tell you how many times the notifications woke me up. I’m hoping for a setting to receive notifications within X distance and X timeframe from the previous alert OR if the strike is detected closer than the previous, indicating an approaching storm.
In your case you did indeed get quite some alerts but they are according the logic used. This doesn’t mean it can’t be better but the logic is respected.
Every time it closes in (circles) or if + 30 minutes since last strike within that circle.
3.46am 15-17 miles
4.25am 4-7 miles (closer circle and + 30 mins)
4.55am 17-20 miles (+30 minutes since previous)
5.05am 7-10 miles (closer circle)
5.30am 5-7 miles (closer circle)
6.01am 16-8 miles (+ 30 mins)
7.35am 22-24 miles (+30 mins)
7.47am 11-13 miles (closer circle)
8.34am 12-15 miles (+30 mins)
8.37am 8-11 miles (closer circle)
9.02am 22-24 miles (+ 30 mins)
11.19am 22-24 miles (+ 30 mins)
that makes 12 alerts in +/- 8 hours. During the night this can be annoying for sure but I use notification suppression on my iPhone for that. Guess Android must have something similar.
You can find those messages in your app or webpage : settings → station → messages.
indeed, you pointed out - as I did before - the flaw in the current logic. This half hour rule shouldn’t exist as such. I did propose and described a better alternative, but it was never implemented.
I think the idea was good, but the timing should be user adjustable. In Florida the number of strikes in a normal storm can be overwhelming. 30 minute is too long as a storm may move in quickly. I have it reporting on an Alexa Dot, but it’s too many reports in a short time.
New user here, looking for a lightning distance preference and found this but it’s old. Am I missing this added to the app?
I don’t see this feature at all. I really wish they would implement a customized lighting strike feature as they discussed early in the thread.
+1 to more customization to the lightning strike alerts.
I would love to see this implemented. Also I really don’t need to know what happened 3 days ago
Would be useful if announcement of a lightning detection provided cardinal position from station & one of these 5 statements was added… Storm is approaching or Storm should pass south, west, north or east. I currently need to open the ‘My Radar’ app to see location & heading of thunderstorm. Example 1: Lightning detected 20 miles SW from your station & should pass to your south. Example 2: Lightning detected 24 miles W of your station & is approaching.