ArchiveSW - Display & Data Archive Storage


Do you have dailystats.js set to run every hour? If not, then please manually run it now so it will update the tables.

I did, Running again.

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As long as the device window is the active window, it should keep everything updated.

I am running Chrome in Windows 10 and I am not seeing any of these issues. If any of you running Chrome on Windows have this issue please let me know.

If any of you have this issue, please post the computer used, OS and browser and version used. I will do everything I can to solve this issue.

Please keep in mind this is designed for small screens, running on a RPi or Android tablet. (I donā€™t own any Apple products)

I pushed a change to the main Config file. Pushover and Prowl are now Yes/No settings. Be sure to update your configuration.

I have some weird behaviour from the feels temperature.
When the age updates the data sometimes it give the correct feels like (it is 5.2 Ā°C, now and it shows 5.2Ā°C, next page update it can give -12.x then back to 5.2 ā€¦2.7 ā€¦ )
I have not found why it gives one or the other number ā€¦ didnā€™t found any logic yet

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Grab a screen shot when you can.

I added a formula to give a visual indication on the temperature. Now I just have to figure out how to weight it based on the humidity.


A screenshot I have but it doesnā€™t show more then a wrong number that can bump back ok and then back off


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What is the wind speed?

just grabbed new files and here a full screenshot, first reload (cache cleaning included)was ok, first page refresh and back to ā€¦


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I just used your data and it came back as 5.3.

Do you know how to open the console on your browser? On Chrome you press F12.

AND: I see you update the files as quick as I upload them.

I can open consoles (not from Chrome since I donā€™t have it installed, and honestly will never, Google and Microsoft are banned from my systems ā€¦ )

but I propose weā€™ll look at it tomorrow as it is zzz time for me again. And once you start in a console, you donā€™t see time flash by ā€¦ and itā€™ll be early up again for me.

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I uploaded a new weathercalc.js that will print the values to the console so you can see what is being used to calculate the feels like.

I found the bug @eric discovered. It has been fixed and new files uploaded.

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I felt there was too much yellow and it distracted from the main numbers.



Hi Gary,
The Raspberry Pi now has WFArchive installed. After the script installed MariaDB the script said: ā€˜Go to http:// ā€œmyIPAddressā€ :8080/ to finish configuring WFArchiveā€™ So I opened that IP address in the chrome browser window and went through each link. I added my Station and Device details. On the ā€˜Panelā€™ page I adjusted units and inserted ā€˜Primary Deviceā€™ details, selected ā€˜Panelā€™ Active ā€˜Yesā€™ and clicked ok. On the ā€˜Processā€™ page I added an Archive process.
In the terminal window when I enter ā€˜pm2 listā€™ I have 2 rows, an ā€˜Archiveā€™ and a ā€˜Serverā€™. I dont know what the ā€˜watchingā€™ column means but it reads disabled for both.
I dont know where to see any data or the ā€˜panelā€™ from the inbuilt browser. Do I need to setup a database program to view my data?
I thought WFArchive and the Raspberry Pi would be getting my data directly from my weatherflow hub or does it require the internet?
Thankyou for a moment of your valuable time. Cheers Ian :slight_smile:

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That is if pm2 is watching the script files for change. Its mainly for developers to have pm2 reload the script if it gets updated. I do not use that

If you want to use the Panel you will have to add it in the Process tab. Then go to the RPi ip address and the port you assigned to the Panel.

The application is collect and storing the data. If you want to view it you will need to use a SQL application. You will connect to the RPi ip address on port 3306. I use a program called Sysyog. You can use any MySQL editor available for your computer OS.


Unrelated, but why did you pick a heavyweight database and not something much lighter like sqlite3 ? Just familiarity ?

(yes, Iā€™m familiar with the sqlite3 limitations re: network-attached storage and lack of support for replication and the like)

  • The RPi is a computer, not a phone
  • I developed this for data mining
  • Many users already have MySQL tools
  • I prefer MySQL
  • My database will contain several million records
  • I will be adding triggers and stored procedures
  • I will be adding replication to external servers

Sure, the replication in itself means no sqlite3. Thanks.

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