Here is a YouTube video on how to build your own shield.
Here is a YouTube video on how to build your own shield.
– I moved these post to this thread as they are related to it, edited this post to take out irrelevant part - eric
As for innovation I’ve said before being here in Istanbul we have to improvise a lot . I rigged up a 10$ bathroom window fan aspirator out of curiosity mounted it below the Air unit a viola temps began to drop however don’t really need it just curiosity .
What is the reason for doing this?
I think he wants to test some kinda forced ventilated screen for the Air module. In his country summer temperatures can go very high (bit like Australia these days). Not sure a passive screen will be enough for standardised measurements.
Or am I completely wrong @Weather34 ?
Totaly correct a passive screen will fail,miserably in this part of the world when we hit July August September I want to get the Air model out of the shaded area and optimize it for lightning and try to balance out the temperature. It’s a project for spring
Other problem with my only shaded area heat gets trappped there as it is a balcony with a low roof and we use it for regular breakfast and evening barbecues all the summer so a lot of heat gets generated there.
Why do you think it will fail? I have experienced the summer in Sinop and our weather stations were in enclosed in Stevenson cages and were extremely accurate.
None to sell for a sweet price ? Here the only one I could find = 450 Euro’s …
Yes a Stevenson will do the job perfectly but I’m not paying that and import taxes and customs bureaucracy paperwork I can sow my own aspirator for less than 20$ .
You can build one. There are several easy to build examples. Here is one:
I saw your video and others but these aren’t to good and you need to find the plates with a good ‘curve’ as to make air move correctly. Not so easy to find and here in France most bbq plates are in paper and not plastic anymore … Am really looking for a real wooden stevenson screen. Found plans but gosh the tools needed to make it … would need to buy quite some and also … lack of experience
Try this link to see what shipping will cost to you.
they don’t send overseas. And if you find a shop, you easily double the price. Thing ain’t anywhere in Europe.
This seems to be the cheapest I can find.
Ambient Weather SRS100LX Temperature and Humidity Solar Radiation Shield
Shipping to France would probably run another $50.00.
Maybe, when time allows, WeatherFlow could look at buying a few and offering them as an add-on.
The one I mentioned at + 450€, expensive but in accordance with normalisation here in France.
I remember those. My father had one at our house about 50 years ago. It had several thermometers in it. That’s greatly overkill for the Air
Is this srs screen of decent quality ? I read it wobbles a lot when windy and the attaches break easily.
@michael is using one so maybe he will comment with his experience.
I was able to mount mine in the open so I don’t need one.
Yes, I have the SRS100LX.
The mount is pretty wobbly, but seems to hold mine well enough. We’ve had some 60+mph storms blow thru without damage to my shield at all. It would also be easy enough to fashion your own mount if needed.
FWIW, I took my wire cutters to the cheap Acu-Rite solar shield on Amazon:
(The Acu-Rite sensor it was intended to house is under the shield in the first picture for size comparison.)
The shield made a difference, but was not nearly as efficient as my Acu-Rite’s aspirated fan or mounting the Air on the north wall of my detached garage in permanent shade…
The Air looks like its touching the fins of the shield.