Correct SI metric (Solution noted)

It’s annoying to read every time kph (wind speed on Sky) instead of correct km/h…

See also:
SI metrics


I agree… it (wrongly) reminds me knots instead of kilometers per hous. But right notation is “km/h”.

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Remember, the Smart Station was intended for US only at inception. Localization will come in future releases after production and shipments are complete.

kph is current localization and it is simply wrong, because it shoul’d read km/h

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It’s wrong for you because there is no localization in the application. Everything is set for US and needs to corrected to meet the symbol standard.

If APP was intended only for US there should not be neither kph… I don’t think km is in use in US

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There are a few that use metric. I hope we will start seeing metric used more often. It’s past the time we converted.

In US, SI is just a guide. Until its adopted by NIST it won’t get much attention.


The project was presented beeing international… So who cares about US ??

Good point @p.sykora . Thanks for the suggestion. Added to our list of corrections.


When I was a school kid back in the 70s, we studied the metric system, preparing for the “big conversion.” But for some reason, it never happened. :neutral_face:


Me, too (60’s and early 70’s).

I remember reading about HDTV in the 70’s. My father called it NIHS (Not Invented Here Syndrome). When it comes to anything not invented here, the US is very slow to adopt.

As I tell my Vietnamese family, I love my country but there are times I despises my government.

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no politics please…


I’d be good with windspeed in knots!

Naw, I’d be afraid the programmers would get too tied up working on it. :laughing:


Knots (kts) is a currently available selection for windspeed.

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App > Settings > toggle wind speed units to knots (kts)

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Since the ISO symbol for the knot is kn may I suggest it be changed from kts?

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Unfortunately it’s still NOT corrected since 2018 :frowning:
The same goes for mps which shoul’d read as mp/s

 "units": {
    "units_temp": "c",
    "units_wind": "kph",
"units": {
    "units_temp": "c",
    "units_wind": "mps",

mps ? miles per second?? if it was m/s it would be meter per second!


Yes it is corrected. In the app and on the web, “km/h” is used for kilometres per hour, and “m/s” is used for metres per second.

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Of course in the API, “km/h” is “kph” and “m/s” is “mps”