Did you know you can get your data of your tempest directly into Excel?
First you need to generate a personal token. Sign in to the Tempest Web App at tempestwx.com, then go to Settings → Data Authorizations → Create Token, then copy that token.
Open a blank new document in Excel. Click on Data (in the menu bar at the top), select (in the top left corner) Get Data → from other sources → from the web
paste the following url in the popup window and use your device id (not your station id!) and the token you just created https://swd.weatherflow.com/swd/rest/observations/device/<your device id>?day_offset=0&format=csv&token=<your token>
Presto, data is now in Excel. Day_offset=0 returns today’s data collected sofar, Day_offset=1 returns all of yesterday’s data.
you can get your device id from settings/stations/status
That’s weird. You did create a new personal token and used it together with your own station_id?
It should look something like this (but this token is not my valid token ;-), so it won’t work)
make sure your device id is correct and that you used the token that you generated. Currently it is not a valid token for that device. The device id should be that of the tempest, not the hub.
This worked well for me. But how does one convert the “timestamp” data to a Date/GMT format. Or alternatively, does the data download include a reference Date/GMT reference to which the “timestamp” data can be related?