Simplified data download

Please create a tool to allow owners to easily download weather data produced by their Tempest station. Many of us want to be able to easily analyze weather data offline. The tool should allow one to select the desired data type (temperature or barometric pressure, for example) and export it using common formats such as CSV. The timestamp should be selectable format so users can select a simple, easily understood time format. After purchasing my Tempest station, I was very disappointed that there wasn’t an easy way to access the data.

Is this simple enough ?

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use the link Eric provided, but be sure to read it all, to find the slightly better link in there, and the excel code to convert it to the desired time format.

Thank you, but no. That’s NOT simple enough. Way too many steps. There should be an integrated data export feature that provides single click export. The SmartMixin app provides such a simple procedure, with data sampled at a daily rate. A single click will send the user an email with an attached data file already in Excel format. The data file contains the minimum, maximum, and average values of all measured weather parameters for each day during the entire history of the installation. However, if someone desires more granularity, such as a data point each hour, that data is not provided.

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it is excel! and it uses only a single step (once you have your token and id, which are static values). Surely you can create something very, very easily that calculates the max and min temperature from the data given.

I don’t think weatherflow will anytime soon switch from a generic format like csv to a very specific one like excel, but of course you can always request that feature. besides you requested csv format anyway, not excel format.

CSV is fine. That’s not the problem. The issue is all the additional steps, including the timestamp conversion and selection of a date range. I’m a 71 year old geophysicist with a masters degree in electrical engineering (digital signal processing specialty). I can figure out and work my way through just about any process, but carpal tunnel syndrome drives me to try to find the simplest solutions. If SmartMixin can provide a quick and simple solution to accessing daily data, surely WeatherFlow employs engineers who should be capable of providing something similar.

I’m afraid it doesn’t get any simpler than this, a single click to get your daily data. The only simplification I could think of is to accept input of dates in human readable format instead of unix time. But as you are going to use excel to do analysis anyway you should be somewhat familiar with excel and you should be able to let excel do that time conversion for you. Sorry, but I can’t help you anymore to make it simpler than it already is.

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Thank you very much for all your help and concern, Sunny. I truly appreciate it. I suppose I simply expected too much from WeatherFlow. It seemed to me like such a simple process to create a dialog inside the Tempest app for the user to select dates, desired measurements, time format, and digitization intervals for data download. I thought it would be a trivial matter to streamline data selection and download for the user. I was evidently wrong in my assumptions. I apologize for wasting your time on an old fart like myself.

I’m sure they do…but there is a point where every “surely WeatherFlow employs engineers who should be capable of…” becomes an infinite request list that doesn’t generate any revenue for the labor spent to say yes to everything.

If you’d like a python script that can do what you’re looking for, PM me and maybe I can take a crack at something for you (if others don’t have something already).

But I don’t speak App note gui. Just command line. Unix CLI dinosaur here.


Thank you very much for your offer, Vince, but me and my CTS will take care of it. Sunny was very clear explaining the steps that were necessary, and I can handle it. I genuinely appreciate the offer.

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The complication is how to use a “token”. For many of us, what the heck is a “token” and why can’t code be written and executed to ask for the relevant information (station ID, token??, whatever else is needed)? Too often people assume that the rest of us know everything they know. “Go to GitHub”? Why? To see a list of files that don’t mean anything to the rest of us? Please get to the basics for the rest of us.

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The link provide with someone’s data, not mine… How?

surely you can figure that out.

Sure, with enough time and trial and error I can figure it out but it would be much easier if I could use your experience to “figure it out”. I am doing other things and meanwhile I am not using my Tempest to full advantage. I am a farmer and while I’ve done some code writing, am pretty good with an Excel file and have figured my way around Windows pretty well (all via trial, error, Youtube and communications like this one) it doesn’t make sense that I have to reinvent the wheel to better use my Tempest. I would think that WeatherFlow would want to make things easier for me. I have farms in multiple locations and am fully employed. Not sure I want to handle more than my one Tempest in my current manner. Sorry, for the mini vent but sometimes it’s not worth it… Other people ask questions and then those who have figured it out say “surely you can figure it out” or assume “everyone” knows how to use a bunch of files posted on GitHub. Maybe they can or maybe they become too frustrated and pass on it. Many times they’ve never done any of this type of thing before. Again, sorry for the vent…

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if you just read what eric linked to (Excel trick to get data directly from tempest)…

The personal token identifies that it is ‘you’ making the request. It also permits you to grab your data if you have it set as private to you, which many people choose to do. There are rate limits to prevent people from banging away on their servers with bots and thousands of requests as well. So it’s a couple things.

If you have a specific question ala “how do I do XYZ step by step” many people will be happy to help you here, and not just reply (ugh) “surely you can figure that out” (grrrrrr)

The “surely” was well meant. I think people assume that everyone understands and the truth is that there are a lot of people who just hear “blah blah blah” and don’t even know what to ask or they are too embarrassed to ask. Anyway thanks for your response and encouragement.

sure, and I love to help out, but this one was about not reading what just have been written. I was a bit upset by the way his first post on this topic was phrased. And surely you can figure out to use your own device-id to get your own data instead of using the device-id in the example, especially if you read the info in the link provided. It was a bit too much for me. Sorry.

I’m with fedoughty. I find it frustrating that I can’t compare multiple parameters in the App. I’d love to be able to look at wind speed , temperature and air pressure so that I can see the effects of a passing front. Or be able to do year on year comparisons. So that leaves me needing to download the data.

I’d love to see an option to download all data with in a selected time range in CSV format. With the date parameters in widely accepted format. Hooking up Excel is a no go for me - I, for many reasons, do not use the Microsoft Office products. CSV is a widely used format (bank accounts anyone?).

Please, please, please can we have the download option.


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the link to get it in CSV is just the same and it looks like<your device id>?day_offset=0&format=csv&token=<your token> The only thing that could be made easier is to allow human readable timestamps instead of seconds since 1 jan 1970 (unix time).
But even better would be a major overhaul of the graphics where you could see more points and compare data.