Tempest data downloads

I am looking for a way to download daily summary data from my Tempest system. I have looked at the page of Third Party apps page that work with Tempest. For one reason or another, they will not serve my needs as a basic Windows 10 user. For example, no COM port on Tempest seems to eliminate Weather Measure. I understand and have successfully used IFTTT to download records to a Google Sheet but I really do not want to have to program a way to get daily summaries from minute-by-minute data. I’m not a programmer or systems person. I just want basic downloads of summarized daily data (max, mins, avg of observational data). Is there an easy way to do this? Thanks for any help.

I’d look for something WF ‘can’ upload to that provides the ability to download the data you are looking for. No suggestions for which ones do/don’t do what you want though…

You can use Weather Display to download data. Normally it is run 24/7 but it will download data starting at the last time it was run. Once the data is downloaded you can use it to generate a NOAA report that will give you the info you are looking for. If you do run it 24/7 you can get it to email various reports such as this to you.

It is overkill for what you want to do as it has so many other functions and it’s not free but better then nothing. Find it at https://www.weather-display.com

UPDATE: I have decided to use IFTTT and created a routine to write the minute-by-minute data to Google Sheets. I can setup a pretty easy pivot table to get the daily summary from 1440 minute observations each day. Then I can copy the results and move them over to an Excel spreadsheet for my records. I then delete all the minute data from Google Sheets for the days that have been summarized. That way I keep the size down in Google Sheets. I’ll try this procedure for a week of data at a time and, if it works, I’ll try doing a month at a time. Not ideal by any means but I get what I want with a minimum of hassle. It would be really nice if WeatherFlow would offer an option to download standard NOAA reports as CSV files.

BTW, I am not going to be able to use Weather Display since it requires a computer to be on 24/7 and will not work if the computer hibernates. Too bad, it looked like a great solution… until it wasn’t.

I know you said you’re a Windows person but a $50 raspberry pi running weewx or any of the other 3rd party software mentioned in other threads here makes this just trivial to do, assuming you want to invest your time to spin up on what you need to know how to do.

Weewx generates NOAA reports out of the box with no customization required, FWIW.

Thanks. I’ll take a look

Would you have a recommendation for the amount of RAM on a Raspberry Pi to run weewx ? 1, 2, or 4gb?

4 GB is plenty. Just add 128 GB of storage.

External HD or SD card?

I run it on 128 MB on a computer far slower than a pi so a pi3 or greater would be plenty fine. I like the pi3+ at a minimum since it has 5ghz wifi, but a equally priced pi4 would be fine too and faster. Just get a FLIRC case for a pi 4 to keep it nice and cool

That’s up to you. A hard drive will last longer than a SD card. I’ve been running on a SD card for over 18 months.

The weewx author has a pi running that software for something like 5 years now on the same SD. Always spend an extra buck or two for a good one. Always provide quality power. Normal computer stuff.

…and turn off swapping, write logs/scratch files onto a RAM disk, etc. There’s even a WeeWX doc about saving SD card write cycles…

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I have successfully downloaded my station’s data for a month and placed it in an excel spreadsheet.
The download is a loooooong CSV string and that has been parsed into rows, one for each “observation”.
The first column in each row is the timestamp, but I have so far only been able to identify the barometric pressure (in Millibars).
a typical “observation” looks like:
The first column is the timestamp and I assume the 7th column is pressure in millibars. Column 19 is probably the observation interval (180 minutes).
Even though my data is displayed in English units (degrees Fahrenheit, inches of Hg, mph, etc.) the imported data appears to be metric, which is no problem.
What I’m looking for are the definitions of the other columns. Anyone have any ideas?

OK, not paying attention and/or looking too hard! I’ve found the field labels right in “Implementation Notes”

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