Full moon πŸŒ• : SKY detects brightness

24/25 October – last night we had a full moon and clear skies. Our test station in Santa Cruz CA was able to pick up the moonlight in the middle of the night – reporting 4 lux with the moon overhead. Pretty cool. Wonder what kind of fun smart home actions we can trigger when moonlight is detected? :owl:


moonlight isn’t supposed to be 4 lux. more like 0.3
(edit: found a reference http://stjarnhimlen.se/comp/radfaq.html#10 stating 0.267)

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My mast-mounted Mk2 reported 5 lux for a few hours straight last night, but the rail-mounted production sitting Sky 15 feet blow it reported a solid zero (not to be confused with NULL, but that’s the topic of a different thread).

We have a lot of ground-sourced light pollution in my neighborhood, especially when the ceiling is low. At times, I am pretty sure that I could read the newspaper sitting on the deck from the light being reflected off of the clouds…


My Sky detected 4 lux, too :slight_smile: and it was indeed clear skies and full moon :full_moon_with_face:

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The dots on the time line are on 5 minute intervals. There is no way on a clear sky that the moon :crescent_moon: could produce a spike like what you see. It’s just a nonsense noise measurement.

(pssst, if you are looking at the yellow line, that is the line that indicates which dot is selected, above the graph you can see the value belonging to that dot… 4 lux) It needs calibration as moonlight is around 0.3 lux not 4 lux, but it is great to see the sensor is sensitive enough to pick it up.

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