I'm trying to find out what the Wifi indentifier is with the Tempest

I would like to know which one of the “Attached Devices” on my router is the Tempest. I have a fairly new entry that is called “Hurricane Wave Computer” and I’m not sure what that is.

Both my old hubs from the first generation SKY + AIR and the hubs for the Tempest identify as WeatherFlow with MAC addresses beginning with b0:38:29.


“Hurricane Wave Computer” is not us, but kudos on the name! All Tempest Hubs identify themselves as “WeatherFlow”

To clarify what @gizmoev and @dsj referred to…

The Tempest device itself does not show up on your WiFi. The Hub however, does show as “WeatherFlow”.

Not sure if you were looking for the Tempest as well as the Hub…

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