I am exploring integrating Tempest weather stations into my product. One problem I am observing is the amount of data that is uploaded through the internet. My use-case can only tolerate about 100KB/hour of data and it seems the system wants to pass about an order of magnitude more data than that.
So, I think an ideal would be if I could configure the station with a bandwidth limit and let weatherflow decide what data to send home. (I am happy to have all the UDP data on my local network.)
Or I could collect the UDP data and massage it in whatever way is desired (including compression) and pass it (say hourly) back home. Clearly in this model wind stricks and rapid wind events would get filtered or only shared in realtime based on a dynamic threshold.
My first approach was to block the internet connection for the Tempest device. Then I found it was peppering me with DNS requests, so I blocked those too. I think I successfully blocked the device because I would get email messages telling me the device went offline and when it went back online.
I also looked through the group and see that the hub can save data for a while. So, if the device gets unblocked, then I am concerned it will try to blast a lot of data which I cannot tolerate.
Anyone else have this issue/concern? Any other thoughts?