Hello, I am new to the tempest community and this project as a whole.
I am attempting to use the wfpiconsole “off label” on a windows 11 machine. I followed the amazing instructions on the GitHub page and it all went smoothly until I got to what should have been incredibly simple… the device ID.
Hi @james.riggs.sr, sorry you are running into issues. I think there might be some confusion between your station ID and device ID. When I try polling the API with your station ID (103412) I get a different response to what you have shared.
Can you open the Tempest app on your phone/web, click on Settings → Stations → [your station name] → Status. Under the Hub title you should see the Station ID (sandwiched between Firmware Revision and Uptime). Can you share that with me? Scroll down a little further and under the Tempest title you should see Device ID (again sandwiched between Firmware Revision and Uptime). Can you share that with me too?
Thanks! In a private message could you share you WF Access Token with me? This will allow me to use your station data while I work out what is wrong. Once I have finished, feel free to delete the key and generate a new one
OK, thanks for the PM. Can you let me know exactly what error you are seeing? Using the token you shared, a station ID of 103412 and a device ID of 264028 works perfectly for me
Back at the first post I explain that I am using wfpiconsole “off label” on a Windows 11 machine. When running anaconda, I enter python main.py and start the script. When it gets to the station ID it doesn’t recognize my station and then questions my sanity. The screenshot is up there. ^
I see that screenshot, but there is no error. You have entered your station ID (there is then some additional debug information printed to the terminal which can be ignored - I’m not sure why it is printing this anyway), and then it is prompting you for whether you have a Tempest device or not. This is working exactly as expected. Have you answered ‘Y’ to the prompt regarding whether you have a Tempest?
I develop the PiConsole exclusively on Windows and Anaconda, so it should work perfectly
I was entering the station ID and when it asked if I owned a tempest I was assuming it didn’t recognize that ID. When I entered yes and it asked me for the device ID I assumed it was asking for my station ID again.
Error: me not reading what was on the screen.
It now works perfectly. Thank you for developing an awesome application, and your support in this community.