Hi Matt. As a matter of fact, we just quietly released a feature on tempestwx.com that allows a station owner to generate a “personal access token” for use in third-party apps. Just sign in at tempestwx.com then go to Settings -> Data Authorizations (or directly: https://tempestwx.com/settings/tokens) and create an access token. Once you have a token, you can use it with REST requests and WS connections:
REST Examples:
GET Station Meta Data
GET Latest Station Observation
GET Latest Device Observation
WebSockets Examples:
Open a websocket connection
Send a JSON message over the websocket connection to start listening for observations from one of your devices. After sending this message your connected websocket client should receive a new observation JSON message every minute.
{ "type":"listen_start", "device_id":your_device_id, "id":"random-id-12345" }