Peak solar hours, for solar power siting studies

Very cool, thanks! In reference to the original subject, is it possible to get the sum of the solar radiation readings, or do I have to get the entire day and parse it out and add it up myself?

Very helpful, thanks! I’ve got the Raspberry Pi code logging all UDP data to Redis, then a process writing selected data to MySQL every minute, then code to read SQL and generate Peak Solar Hours for every day in the MySQL database.

Contemplating how best to query the REST API for historical data, so I can correspond to my ‘real’ dataset and some other light dataloggers from Onset.

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An observation is a one-time measurement, so to add’em up you need to add’em up :slight_smile:

There is no limit but you have to do it one day at a time.

That’s fine, I’ll probably use the API to recover the data and back-populate my SQL. If it sounds like I’m re-inventing ArchiveSW I’ll at least atmit to parallel evolution in Python. :innocent:

ArchiveSW started out in Python. I hit an issue with Python and moved to NodeJS as it is non-binding and in this one case proved to be the better language to use. Most everything else I do on the RPi is Python.

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You can do it alternately in things like grafana pulling from influxdb if you’re just adding up values for a particular time period. Cool thing there is you’re not limited to observing on midnight-to-midnight boundaries, you can pick your time period.

FWIW, I run a somewhat different setup from Gary’s but notionally it’s similar for the data collection part. My python UDP listener listens for WF broadcasts and publishes to influxdb via MQTT (and then telegraf on a pi3 listens to those topics and populates influxdb). Never misses a measurement at this point since I switched to making the listener threaded.