PiConsole Weather Displays - Tempest

I am currently building 7” and 10” displays for the Tempest. I have created a Facebook Page for this purpose. The page is called Piconsole Weather Displays -Tempest

If you are less tech savvy or dont have the time to build your own display come to my Facebook Group and check it out and send me a DM (Facebook Message on Messenger) if your interested. More pictures on my Facebook Group.


Very nice @ke4ldu! Thanks for supporting the community.

Does these run over any IPAD or is it another tablet? Thank you… Very nice work

Thank you for your support

This software will not run on a ipad. This picture is of a 7” official raspberry pi display with a raspberry pi running the software. Contact me on Facebook if you would like a display.

The software is an open source project GitHub - peted-davis/WeatherFlow_PiConsole: Raspberry Pi Python console for WeatherFlow Tempest and Smart Home Weather Stations

The hardware and OS requirements are in the readme

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