I can’t put in a public statement what I think that David is.
I’d be accused of a bromance.
I can say that I would love the opportunity to spend a week at his side, during business hours.
I can’t put in a public statement what I think that David is.
I’d be accused of a bromance.
I can say that I would love the opportunity to spend a week at his side, during business hours.
Yuupp! It would be fun to have some time at WeatherFlow . . . like a developer / tester conference.
Yes, sort of. When the Hub is put in “pairing mode” it will connect to any AIR looking for a Hub. And the Hub keeps a list of AIR serial numbers to which it has paired.
True! Sometimes they let me pick out new plants.
I would love to do a Smart Weather Developer conference one day! Good goal for 2019 maybe…
So… could a new packet be designed to send only when the Hub Reboot, the list of serial numbers that are paired to the Hub?
If you want to carpool, I can drive from here to Clyde Morris in my sleep having made that road trip many times without a map or GPS…
Count me in! . (I got your 20 characters there Discourse!)
Personally, I’d like to see that information as part of the hub status. If the hub is rebooting there’s a good chance that the rest of the devices in the house are also rebooting so anything monitoring the hub may miss that message.
An additional parameter such as
That would work great.
Sorry for the late reply - this is a good idea and something we have on the backlog. It’s not as simple as you might think, but it’s something we would like to add eventually.