looking back at previous questions on a being able to change the wordage from heavy, extreme, light, etc, to actually show the rainfall rates in mm/hr or in/hr, i see it was addressed in december of 19 but didnt see anything mentioned after that. Is that feature still being looked at as i would prefer the actual rainfall rate instead of the verbage.
Internally, that’s how it’s reported by the Tempest sensor every minute. Well, it’s reported as an accumulated amount over the 60 second reporting interval, so accum * 60 = mm/hr. It seems to me that’s a detail that could be added to the precip tile on the grid view. Here’s how the precip intensities break down in mm/hr:
0 - 0.25 = very light
0.25 - 1 = light
1 - 4 = moderate
4 - 16 = heavy
16 - 50 = very heavy
50+ = extreme
Bumping an old thread to see if anything was in the works. I see with ongoing notifications that it shows the rain fall rate there, hoping one day it comes to the actual app.
Something odd with those rain graphs, the bar were higher during recent rain than a previous one, but… the higher bars were described as just a trace instead of the significant prior rain with lower bars., I mentioned this to WeatherFlow over 2wks ago but they did not respond.
the odd thing is that you have to look at the rain rate graphs, rather than the rain graphs. The bar in the rain graph can give a very distorted view of what is going on.