Remote Kit Development?

Hey all, sorry if there is already info on this here that I missed. I wasn’t an original backer of the remote kit but I’m interested in purchasing one once it’s released to the public. Does anyone have the latest updates on the remote kit? Just curious where it stands in development. Thanks!

This is what was in the email sent to backers on February 2, 2021.

we plan to send your cellular-enabled Pro Hub before June 30, 2021.

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Hi all,

Do we have recent news regarding the Remote kit development? I’m not a campaign backer so the last news I could find is the thread…

After having been testing my station since May, I am currently looking to remotely power another Tempest next summer for a location without internet nor power. I was looking to build something to solar power an RPI0 that would listen to data and send only useful data over cellular data but if the Remote kit becomes available soonish, I might wait…


I haven’t heard anything new but my guess is that it is delayed due to all the pandemic related supply issues. I know that has been the issue with the Power Booster Accessory which is in field testing still. They expected it to be out already but chip shortages and such have had a negative impact on it.


Already working a similar solution as part of the WeatherBox offerings.

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Thanks for your answer. I’ll still develop my own prototype in my spare time for fun and to learn but will make sure to keep an eye on here!