Responses from WeatherFlow

This forum was created primarily for owners of WeatherFlow products to share ideas and solutions with each other. If you a desire a direct response from a member of the WeatherFlow staff, we suggest that you:

  1. Address your post directly to a staff member by virtue of including “@[name]”. Doing this will alert that specific staff member to your post.
  2. Contact WF support by email:
  3. (Best option) file a support ticket here: (click the ‘Submit a request’ link in upper right corner
  4. Consult the WeatherFlow help pages

Things to know:

  1. There are literally thousands of posts here. WF staff cannot monitor every word of every post and still get anything real done.
  2. Avoid writing…“I can’t believe WeatherFlow has not repsonded yet…” if you do not specifically include reference to a WeatherFlow staff member — see #1 above.
  3. Be positive. We’re all here because we like weather technology. Together we are stronger.

FWIW, my 30+ years experience in computing has taught me well that sending posts directly to a particular person at a supplier is bad mojo, as people go on vacation, get sick, leave the company, or get stuck in transit to/from someplace.

Which thread ‘will’ you monitor for the many many questions along the lines of “what is the updated shipping status, it has now been over a week since they were supposed to have the parts to resume soldering…” ?

That’s a real question, incidentally. We need better status from WF personnel who are in the know (and please not from anybody else not working for WF).

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I hope that owners never need to contact support, but as someone who has let me tell you the WF support is brilliant. This is not one of those tech companies that leaves you high and dry once the sale is made. 10/10 for support from me.