This forum was created primarily for owners of WeatherFlow products to share ideas and solutions with each other. If you a desire a direct response from a member of the WeatherFlow staff, we suggest that you:
- Address your post directly to a staff member by virtue of including “@[name]”. Doing this will alert that specific staff member to your post.
- Contact WF support by email:
- (Best option) file a support ticket here: (click the ‘Submit a request’ link in upper right corner
- Consult the WeatherFlow help pages
Things to know:
- There are literally thousands of posts here. WF staff cannot monitor every word of every post and still get anything real done.
- Avoid writing…“I can’t believe WeatherFlow has not repsonded yet…” if you do not specifically include reference to a WeatherFlow staff member — see #1 above.
- Be positive. We’re all here because we like weather technology. Together we are stronger.