Hi @fredrik_fors Our first priority is to complete fulfillment of the Smart Weather Stations to all those who pre-ordered on Indiegogo. Then our priority will be to ensure quality of experience for all stations owners. Our goal is to get to a point where customer willingly give us 4+ stars out of 5 when reviewed. We have a slew of enhancements: notably a continuous learning / AI system that evaluates all sensors once deployed and provides auto-calibration and quality control.
Next we will publish an official map of public stations for those who wish to share observations with the community.
Following customer feedback and demand, next up on the hardware front will be a solar module for SKY (solar panel + recharge battery + power controls) and a simple solar radiation shield for AIR.
An indoor air quality device (aka BREATHE) is in development, but it will take more time to get it right. We are also spec’ing a COMMERCIAL grade smart weather station for industrial use in remote locations like agriculture.
PS - next time, if you desire a direct response from WeatherFlow staff, please follow these guidelines: Responses from WeatherFlow