Tempest weather app, the old layout is still there

Some graphs would be nice. Although the graphs on the old app were horrible.

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The same old graphs are still in the app. Click on the Tempest icon in the upper right to get to the same panel layout like the old app. Then click on any panel and you get the graphs. I do agree, I’d like to see nicer graphs, but what is there does work.


When I first noticed the Tempest App I saw a lot of forecasts like on other apps - but I missed my graphs of latest values. Perhaps they are hidden anywhere - I didn´t find them! I don´t need another forecast - I need “my recent weather development”. I want to know how wind and temperature were acting when a frontier arrived or how long the night was “below zero”. But on iOS there was no simple click on wind or temperature to see more than maximum, minimum and average. I try to avoid updating the app on my iPad in order to keep those capabilities as long as possible. Let me know when Tempest is able to show graphs of last hours again.

Just click in the little tempest icon on top right and you will find the usual interface with all the details you want. The forecast is just a page on top.

Capture d’écran . 2020-05-18 à 08.32.15

Thanks Eric,

I thought I tried to click there. Perhaps my fingers were too thick or whatever – I didn´t work. Now I tried again – and the „curly cloud“ appeared together with the known view of all my graphs. I´m happy again!

I couldn´t imagine that you dropped those features – but it´s not easy to find. Perhaps you should inverse the background of the Tempest symbol (and of the cloud as well) in order to emphasize the button character oft he symbol. Got me?

All in all you did a great job – and I like my Sky/Air combination. In summertimes the solar panel works fine – but in autumn I need to put those batteries back. Sun shine is not efficient enough to keep Sky running during winter times.

Best regards

:blush: K.S.