Third-Party Hardware

This is an ongoing list of third-party hardware that is used to indirectly support the WeatherFlow Smart Weather Station. From Stevenson Screens to mounting hardware, Raspberry Pi to tablets and tipping buckets to manual rain gauges.

Please feel free to post the unusual and unique items you have used. The index will be organized into categories as additional items are posted.

Please keep the posts limited to actual hardware items.


I found a case for the Raspberry Pi that not only allows for access to the expansion port but gives you the option to enclose a 3.5" TFT touchscreen if you don’t need the expansion port. The expansion port cover snaps on top of the bezel. The screen that comes with the case is the same screen I have used on several projects.



Off the shelf Bird Spike Kit (BS0001) that fits SKY well for $8. Works just as well as my DIY units.


Cheapest on that link is $134.99. Are you looking on a different site or did the time already expire?

I have used a couple of SG90 Servos to display Weather Flow data (Wind and Conditions) - linked to an Arduino.

Also used a couple of strips of NeoPixel Digital RGB LED Strip 144 LEDs again for Wind but also Temperature - this time linked to a Pi (as per further up this thread) - these are so nice.

Servos run using an Arduino Feather Huzzah

Finally a PhatBeat for audio output:

And obviously linked to a speaker…

So Movement, Light and Sound hardware linked to UDP/MQTT data from Weather Flow,

Andy (edited so now with links :slight_smile: )