At one time Weather Bug (on my IPhone) was displaying both local National Weather stations as well as local Tempest stations. My Weather Bug no longer is showing any Tempest weather stations. Any suggestions or clues as to what changed?
Someone posted on facebook a screen shot from Weatherbug support confirming that it doesn’t work “for now”. There is a similar post by the WeatherFlow Facebook account.
Don’t know what “for now” means, neither WF or WB are confirming anything.
Yes. I just saw that post on the WB support web site. So for now it’s gone. We shall see.
Thanks, Joe P.
According to a support rep I just got done speaking with via email, tempest data is no longer available on weatherbug as of a few months ago. In weatherbug I can still use the same fire station as a location so I’m curious where that data is coming from now
It’s coming from whatever weather station the fire station has.
Well yea but I’m curious what station they’re using now. Weatherbug used to say powered by tempest. Now it doesn’t say where they get their data
From past experience, they operate a grant-funded weather station network called the Earth Network, with stations located at local schools. They also apparently have a partial feed from APRS/CWOP and other mesonets, with a footnote that my APRS station is not shown for some reason…
I’ve owned a Tempest station for over a year now. It used to show up on my WeatherBug app. It, along with all other Tempest stations are no longer listed. Is this unique to me or is this a universal issue?
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