WeatherFlow PiConsole - Archive

Sorry, I wasn’t clear - I gathered that part. What I meant was how do you get the different info on the screens? Did you customize the code or create new templates, or is it a configuration option?


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Each application has its own display.

v2.2 :open_mouth:

That’s weird! I’m struggling to understand these graphics glitches, as I can’t find anything in the code that causes them… Can you try rebooting and let me know if the issue still persists?

I understand that. I’m asking how one of them has a radar image (bottom right), one of them has gauges and a graph (bottom left), one of them is what I’d call “standard” PiConsole (top right), and one of them has a different set of boxes, including battery levels (top left). Assuming that all of the Pis are running PiConsole, how do you configure each to have a different display like that?

It’s because not all screens are running the PiConsole. The top left screen is running ArchiveSW - Display & Data Archive Storage. I don’t know what applications the other two screens are running


Bottom left are internal wireless sensors and are running on Node Red.
Bottom right is a web browser pointing to (for now)
and as Peter stated:
Top Left: ArchiveSW.
Top right: PiConsole
Hope that clears things up :slight_smile:

Gotcha! Thanks so much. I’m going to take a look at ArchiveSW.

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Let me know if you run into any issues with the update. Especially the flickering black images that both @tcichowicz and @patrick.mussner have experienced. Still trying to get to the bottom of this one…

Just an FYI Peter, I’ve not seen much trouble with the ‘flickering black images’ - It had appeared from time to time on both of my wfpiconsole (Rpi)setups. Never saw it appear on the Windows 10 based installs at all.

I have updated to the latest version (2.2) and haven’t seen it at all so far, on either system.

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It is four different monitors running four different applications.

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What sensors are you using?

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DHT22 with Huzzah esp8266 wireless

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I need to get a few of those.

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unfortunately after i have reboot…

This glitch is so annoying! The black box is a result of the gui being unable to find the necessary .png file. But the .png files definitely exist! I am wondering whether there is an internal cache that I’m not aware of, which coupled with me changing the location of many of the .png images in the last update (hopefully for the last time!), is causing this issue. Can you try shutting down the Pi, completely removing/unplugging the power cable so there is absolutely no power going to the Pi’s memory, and then trying again?

Seeing the following occurring when I run PiConsole:

  File "/usr/local/lib/python3.5/dist-packages/autobahn/websocket/", line 628, in onMessageEnd
    self._onMessage(payload, self.message_is_binary)
  File "/usr/local/lib/python3.5/dist-packages/autobahn/twisted/", line 166, in _onMessage
    self.onMessage(payload, isBinary)
  File "", line 60, in onMessage
  File "", line 347, in WebsocketDecodeMessage
  File "", line 392, in WebsocketObsSky
    TodayRain,YesterdayRain,MonthRain,YearRain = self.RainAccumulation(Rain)
  File "", line 1045, in RainAccumulation
    return TodayRain,YesterdayRain,MonthRain,YearRain
builtins.UnboundLocalError: local variable 'TodayRain' referenced before assignment

2019-02-25 12:31:22-0500 [-] Client connection lost … retrying …

Note the UnboundLocalError - this is running the current version in GitHub

I’ll have a look into this. What’s your station ID?

It seems more stable now that it’s got more data points. Also, I’ve been having network issues - high wind causing power brownouts that cause network glitches. So, those two things may have something to do with it.

Missing data points is almost certainly the cause. I have been trying to make the console more resilient to missing data, but I think a few bugs are still in the code. I tried your station this morning, but ID 6392 doesn’t seem to exists. Do you mean 6329 instead?

No, it is 6392. The interesting thing I’ve noticed and haven’t asked weatherflow about it yet is that my station is missing the station_id identifier - it has location_id, but not station_id in the returned JSON. You can see the shared data here - - and you can see the “odd” JSON here: