WeatherFlow PiConsole - Archive

Me too. I’m leaning a lot from reading this topic.

Mostly I learn that Eric breaks things. :smile:


my other name is Murphy :rofl:


Hahaha - I have noticed a pattern… :rofl:

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@peter for a next iteration of the software, maybe make a little cron that runs once a day to compare version installed with latest version on server. If newer then add something on screen
Maybe update in red just before settings ???

Not everyone is on this forum every day :wink:

And as ultimate, a setting for an auto update so you don’t even have to use terminal …
This implies that the testing should be done before it is declared stable by a small group (hence many terminals going wacko the same day :slight_smile: )

This functionality actually already exists! The version numbers are checked at midnight, and if a new release is available, the popup below appears over the date and time. Perhaps you are just too quick to update to see the popup :wink:. Also, if you start an outdated version of the console, the popup appears as soon as the console starts.

Definitely the end goal! Will certainly need some testing though as you say.

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is there a way to get this to work if I have the latest version of Raspberry Pi installed on a PC? I currently get a Raspberry Pi not found. Hardware check failed. was hoping to make this work till i was able to get everything to build the small console.

Someone did make it run on a PC

scroll up to+/- here and from there on I think you will find the details

The Raspberry Pi is hardware. It’s a small single board computer.

You can install Python on a PC and try running the PiConsole.

ok, thought if I had the software that runs on it working it would be the same. Like I said I really have no clue about Raspberry Pi hardware or software. was hoping there was just a “plugin” or something I needed to get it going on the Raspberry Pi software I have runnin on my PC.

Hi @clevenger7778, thanks for checking out the PiConsole. Unfortunately as @GaryFunk said, even though you can install the Raspberry Pi software on Windows as a virtual machine, the underlying hardware is completely different, and the one-line install command will not work. All is not lost though! If you are happy to run few some steps manually, it is perfectly possible to get the console running on Windows. Steps are:

  1. Download and install the Python 3.7 version of Miniconda for Windows (a lightweight Python

  2. Once Miniconda is installed open the ‘Anaconda Prompt’ program.

  3. In the Anaconda prompt, type/copy:
    python -m pip install --upgrade pip
    and then press enter.

  4. Once that process has finished, type/copy
    python -m pip install autobahn[twisted] pytz pyasn1-modules service_identity geopy ephem Cython numpy packaging
    into prompt and then press enter.

  5. Once that has finished, follow the 3 steps under the “Installation Instructions” here: Installation on Windows — Kivy 2.2.1 documentation to install Kivy. This is the GUI library that drives the console. As before, just copy the commands into the Anaconda Prompt one at a time and press enter to make each one run.

  6. Once Kivy is installed, type/copy these lines one by one in turn into the Anaconda Prompt, pressing enter each time. This will install the latest version (v2.4) of the Console.

cd && mkdir wfpiconsole && cd wfpiconsole
curl -sL -o PiConsole.tar.gz
tar -xvf PiConsole.tar.gz --strip 1
del /f PiConsole.tar.gz
  1. You’re almost there now! Once you’ve downloaded the software, you can start the console with:
    As this is the first time you have run the console, you’ll be asked for some API keys. Details of what you need can be found here: GitHub - peted-davis/WeatherFlow_PiConsole: Raspberry Pi Python console for WeatherFlow Tempest and Smart Home Weather Stations under " Configure and Run WeatherFlow PiConsole".

Hope this helps and let me know how you get on!


Thanks for the help, everything was going well till I got to the wget step on #6. I am getting a message wget is not recognized as an internal or external command, operable program or batch file

Edit: the Linux commands have been replaced with native windows commands

Opps! My fault, I let a Linux command sneek into those instructions.

OK, so you should already have a folder called “wfpiconsole” in your user directory. In the Anaconda prompt it should look something like this (with your user name replacing ‘Peter’):

Navigate to that folder in Windows Explorer, and then click on this link: to download the latest version of the code in a zip file. Can you unzip/copy the contents of the download into the ‘wfpiconsole’ folder that you just found?

Then carry on from step 7 :smiley:

The Raspberry Pi runs a derivative of linux. The PiConcole is Python code. Python runs on linux and Windows.

If you have questions, just ask and we will do our best to help you.

hey no problem you are talking to a guy who is good enough at this to do exactly as he is told. I am at the point now where it is asking for my GeoNames API. This should get me going till I can get everything I need to make the actual console. Looking forward to getting my equipment saturday and getting is all set up and going. again thanks for the instructions to get it working

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No worries! Glad you managed to get it going. If you really want to give it a test spin before your equipment arrives, then WeatherFlow host a test station. Once you have entered your personal API keys, you’ll be prompted for station details. To use the test station, enter 690 as the station ID, 1110 as the outdoor module ID, and 10945 as the Sky module ID.

Then once your equipment arrives, you can just delete the existing configuration file (wfpiconsole.ini), and set it up again for your new station.

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only issue I am having now is when I try to run it, it is telling me that I have openGL 1.1 and need 2.0 and as much as I have tried I can not figure out how to get it to update

Can you post a screenshot? It’s late evening here now but I can try and look into this tomorrow.

Sorry probably not the best but this is what I get. I have found a few things that said it would fix it but they have not worked

ok so after a few hours of searching I finally got it to work. I had to change one part of a line of code in the file

24 elif platform.system() == ‘Windows’:
25 os.environ[‘KIVY_GL_BACKEND’] = ‘glew’

24 elif platform.system() == ‘Windows’:
25 os.environ[‘KIVY_GL_BACKEND’] = ‘angle_sdl2’

put that in and it worked like a charm


Great! Glad to hear that, and sorry you had to spend so long getting it to work! In the next release I will probably remove line 24 and 25 completely. Based on your experience, I think it is probably better just to let Kivy pick its own backend on Windows.