WeatherFlow PiConsole - Archive

this is not a plug and play thing you buy fully assembles.

You have to buy a Pi, 7" touch screen and case, assemble it, flash the system on a SD card and then install the script. All in all you need a few hours and it isn’t that hard to do ! Many did it. All is described in first post

Hardware pieces cost about $200 US or so when you add them up plus an hour or two of your time to do the installation and setup.

Im getting this error and blank output all of a sudden:

2021-09-26 09:50:10-0400 [-] Exception in thread Tempest:
2021-09-26 09:50:10-0400 [-] Traceback (most recent call last):
2021-09-26 09:50:10-0400 [-] File “/usr/lib/python3.7/”, line 917, i
n _bootstrap_inner
2021-09-26 09:50:10-0400 [-]
2021-09-26 09:50:10-0400 [-] File “/usr/lib/python3.7/”, line 865, i
n run
2021-09-26 09:50:10-0400 [-] self._target(*self._args, **self._kwargs)
2021-09-26 09:50:10-0400 [-] File “/home/pi/wfpiconsole/lib/”, line 155, in Tempest
2021-09-26 09:50:10-0400 [-] AvgWind = derive.MeanWindSpeed(WindSpd,avgWind,Device,Config,flagAPI)
2021-09-26 09:50:10-0400 [-] File “/home/pi/wfpiconsole/lib/”, line 838, in MeanWindSpeed
2021-09-26 09:50:10-0400 [-] AvgWind = [Sum/Length,‘mps’,Sum/Length,Length,Now]
2021-09-26 09:50:10-0400 [-] ZeroDivisionError: division by zero

your station is in low power mode and I think the script expects data that is not coming in hence divide by zero is erroring out (@peter maybe add a condition in the script to intercept error and maybe add warning ???)

Your station is so low in Voltage the wind sensor is de-activated. Looking at your data it receives enough sun but is not charging as it should. Time to open a ticket with support. They will double check and help you out.

Oh wow interesting, thanks!

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Thanks for the head’s up! I will add an error handler to the code. This is one of those bugs that’s almost impossible to predict!

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Just want to chime-in on this thread. I have no questions or requests just kudos to an excellent product and ongoing support. As it is pouring rain and lightning and I’m staring at my Raspberry Pi weather setup that is still working perfectly after a few years. Thanks to Peter.

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This is from my tempest displayed on a Raspberry Pi. IN the temperature box it says 67.6 degrees. In the bottom left of that box it says feeling hot. Does anyone know how to correct this or turn off where it was feeling hot? Obviously 67.6 is not hot.

Go in to the “Menu” (button in lower right portion of your display screen) then choose “Settings” then look for “Feels Like” on the left-hand side (2nd item from the bottom.) From there. . .you will see the choices of each range. . .from “Extremely Cold” at the top of the list. . . to “Very Hot” at the bottom. You will then have to "Set the maximum temperature for . . . . " Gets a little tricky. . .because of the word “maximum” is stated for Each Parameter. You may have to adjust them probably several times until you get something that will work for your location.

For my ‘wfpiconsole’. . . .I’ve adjusted the “Feels Like” temperatures as follows (feel free to use my examples or adjust on your own):


Right now. . .my Tempest temperature is 68.2°. . .and the icon in the lower left-hand corner of the Temperature panel states “Feeling warm” . . . because the temp is >65° . . . but <85°. . .therefore it “feels warm.” Hope this helps.


Thats Awesome! Thank you!!!

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I just have noticed that when i click on menu its kinda buggy. Meaning sometimes menu works and sometimes it just flashes. Makes no sense. When i first set this up it didnt do this. Setup another sd card and tried it. At first it was fine now its doing it. I am running a raspberry pi 3b+ if that helps.

this might be the allocated memory to screen in the Pi, try this :


Over the last few days my wfpiconsole has been spewing these errors in the log:

2021-10-07 11:30:38-0400 [-] Websocket connection open
2021-10-07 11:30:38-0400 [-] Unknown message type: {"status_code": 5, "status_message": "AUTHORIZATION_REQUIRED - Rate limit exceed or your API Key or Oauth2 Access Token missing"}
2021-10-07 11:30:38-0400 [-] Websocket connection closed

I’ve verified, and even changed my API key, and I’m still getting these errors with the new key.

Any ideas?

I’d try the API page web interface with your key to see which one of the two is the case. Is it expired or have you exceeded the rate limits ?

And yes, an error message saying A ‘or’ B is not good. WF knows what the problem is. It should tell you.

How many API keys have you generated? Remember your usage is summed over all keys, so if you are running lots of other applications, then this may be the issue. Deleting and recreating your PiConsole key won’t fix this issue.

How do I do that @vinceskahan?

@peter I only have the one for WFPiConsole.

I figured it out @vinceskahan, I had to go here, and authenticate with my token, then I could pull the station info using the “Try it Out!” sections of the page.

I must’ve been trying during some outage or something and flooded the api (and blocked myself), so I stopped wfpiconsole for an hour or so, and then re-started it and it’s now able to connect with my token.

Thanks for hopping in and trying to help!

One other thing I’m noticing, though, is that my wfpiconsole.log is logging in reverse order, meaning the most recent entries are at the top of the file instead of the bottom of the file. This makes it quite difficult to tail. Is there a way to change that?

The “head” command is your friend…

Well, sure… but as a 20+ year sysadmin people don’t use head when attempting to tail a log. :wink: