Great - glad to hear the values match. It is a big discrepancy between the raw and RainChecked values though (probably one of the largest I’ve seen). Obviously it’s hard to know where this discrepancy is coming from, but you may want to check whether strong winds/some other source are triggering vibrations in your Tempest mount that is causing your device to register rain. RainCheck will of course remove this “false rain”, but it will remain in the raw data.
The mount is solid - 8’ 4x4 set in three feet of concrete. That said, I intentionally sited it away from any structures or obstructions and it’s located at one of the highest spots in the county in an extremely windy region. I’m just happy to know why the numbers are off. Perhaps an option to display the RainCheck values at some time in the future?
is it perhaps an excellent spot for birds to sit on and cause vibrations that might induce false rain events? Those false rain events do show up in the raw data, but Raincheck could possibly correct them.
A couple of thoughts did occur… I have the Weatherflow bird crown installed. It works well for deterring birds from roosting, but wondering if that is contributing to the noise. Perhaps more likely, I hadn’t noticed the crown had slipped down for a month or more earlier this summer. It was blocking the wind path through the wind sensors. Possibly that was triggering unusually high rain counts.
I’ll see if I can reset the annual statistics and watch a little closer.
Hmm. I deleted all my station data through the Tempest web interface. The data displayed on the PiConsole disappeared, as expected. However, overnight it never returned. Thinking my key had been deleted when I deleted the data, I generated a new key, ssh’d into the pi, stopped the PiConsole process, edited the wfpiconsole.ini file and pasted in the new key. Restarted PiConsole and rebooted, but still no station data is being displayed.
Any ideas on what I missed?
not sure but maybe it needs at least 24 hours of data
@peter ?
Are you using the correct device ID? I’m pretty sure when you delete all the data the device ID is changed, so you might want to check that under the station status.
Yep, that was it. Probably didn’t even have to change the key, just the device id. Thank you…
Here’s an interesting WF PiConsole observation. Somewhere along the line. . .it detected a Max Wind Gust of 2172 mph from the Tempest it is connected to.
That Tempest’s History only shows a max of 16.6 mph so far for today!
. . .and. . .also the Rainfall went “wack-a-doodle!” It shows that 137" of rainfall occurred yesterday for a yearly total of 9313" ??
I cleared (reset) the erroneous information as seen above simply by exiting the program and doing a restart via wfpiconsole start. The Max Wind Gust is back to 17mph; the rainfall yesterday was reset to 0" (didn’t get any rain yeterday). . .and the Yearly Rain was re-established as 23.3".
Might have been a glitch while WF was updating its infra. Maybe a wacko number was loaded by the script and with the reset when it asked it again, it got the correct number.
There is quite some work gong on behind the scenes these days.
Very well done all on all the coding for the display program. Anyway to get the forecast and sager text to cycle?
On my WF PiConsole, I’ve noticed that the Sager Forecast is only updated twice daily…at 6am & 6pm local time. I like to have it updated every 3 hours beginning at 6am. . .so in the intermediate 3 hourly intervals. . .I “exit” this display and go back to the “pi@wfpiconsole” screen. Then at the hour marker (9am, 12pm, 3pm) | 9pm Midnight. . .I do a “wfpiconsole start” to invoke the Sager update for that 3 hour block of time.
Touch labor on what is essentially a weather display appliance like wfconsole is crazy talk. Write yourself a cron job that runs occasionally and does a ‘wfpiconsole stop && wfpiconsole start’
0 9,12,15,18,21 * * * (wfpiconsole stop && wfpiconsole start)
You’ll have to know how to edit the crontab file via “crontab -e” and save the file. It’ll take effect the next minute. Run “crontab -l” to see the contents of the file.
If you have no idea what I just said, take that Linux Fundamentals class I mentioned a few weeks ago.
Hi, I just installed the console to my Pi3b+ but without a touchscreen. Mouse input does not seem to work well and will not click the buttons properly. Is this expected behavior without a touchscreen?
Also, how do I modify the default layout? I’m very new to linux and have no idea what I need to do to modify the screens. Maybe if the mouse worked, I’d be able to discover those features? Note the mouse does work fine on the PI desktop.
Thank you!
I mean just cycle the panels from forecast to sager back to forecast every 30 seconds or so
Thanks for your PM - I thought I would reply here in case anyone else is interested in this. Unfortunately the 6 am/6 pm generation times are more hard-coded into the console than I would like. You could edit the code (there’s an example here), but probably for the time being it is likely best to go with the cron option. I will add this to the list of new features for the next update though!
No, this shouldn’t be the expected behaviour, although I haven’t tested the mouse functionality for a while. I will have a look at see if I can find any issues.
No, unfortunately there is no way to do this
Where do I get one of these, and how much is it?